
Watched a cute quail Mom and Dad usher their brood of 14 teeny tiny quail-lets through the yard yesterday. Mom was so concerned to make sure they all were following, and of course, every time she went to the back to herd them quickly along, the ones in the front turned and followed her back. Took them 3 times longer than it might have to traverse the outer edge of our yard.

Clearly not an exercise in futility for the Mom - just watching out for her little ones, lest no one be lost.

I think this must be sort of like how Heavenly Father watches out for us - sending along those to care about and shepherd us along our path, lest we get lost along the way. Warms my heart to think that, anyway.


84 days and counting till our 40th Anniversary Celebration in Maui!

Wii Fit

Wow: My first Wii Fit Age (2 weeks ago) was 43. Tonight I'm an old woman of 51. Meanwhile, The Hubby went from 51 to 35. Does that make me a cradle robber?

Sacrament Meeting Talk

Even though we'd been forewarned: it was still a bit startling to be mentioned in our friend's talk today. Felt like a spotlight had been shining on us. Not comfortable in the spotlight. (I'm definitely NOT one of those who hog it!)

First One

The First Annual Draper Moonlight Bike Ride was fabulous! Followed by floats of sprite and sherbet.

So much fun we're shooting to continue the tradition by the light of the full moon next June. (Followed of course, by more food!)

Fairy Tale

I was chatting with a friend the other day. I admitted I was a bit jealous of her fairy tale childhood. Mine was so the opposite. But she said that she traded a fairy tale childhood for a different kind of life in her marriage. And that I had traded a difficult childhood for a fairy tale marriage.

She was right. I did.


If you're going to toy with a mousetrap, be prepared to get your fingers caught.


I guess if I'm going to give a new camera as a gift I should expect to get my picture taken - often. Why, oh why, can't I be happy with my looks? I should be svelte, beautiful, have a lovely neck and be a size 4 (was I ever a size 4?).

Instead I look like a 65 year old grandma, turkey neck, larger-than-life bum and a face only The Hubby could love.

Note to self: never let the guy with the camera be behind you when playing Wii Fit.


Went to the last of our June birthday celebrations this evening. Think I haven't had enough birthday cake.....

To Do List

Mop tile floor: check

Vacuum the whole main floor: check

Scrub toilets: check

Think of the great time we had all week with 7 of 9 grandchilluns: check, and double check

Count my blessings (Fabuous Hubby # 1 among them): check, check and check again!!


If you have to clean up puke: hope they puke on the patio, then you can just hose it off. Even better still: hope The Hubby is around to do it all for you.

June Is Busting Out All Over....

With Birthdays! 4 grandchilluns plus The Hubby all in one month. What fun to celebrate them all. We are learning to sing "Happy Birthday" really well.

Thanks, My Love, for finding me.


I'm thinking about all those relatives that came and the breathing that's going on.....


Thus begins the week of grandchillun sleepovers. Tonight: One granddaughter. Tomorrow: 3 granchilluns.

I better get in some good sleep tonight. I'm going to need it.


I'm thinking it's time I went into the business of writing instructions. You know, the kind that comes in the package to tell you how to work stuff?


Now I expect that it should cost quite a bit to come into this world. But $764 for an obituary upon leaving it?


The funeral is over.
I made it.
I didn't turn into a blubbering idiot.
I managed to play the piano with some modicum of poise and minimum of mistakes.
I smiled and made nice.
I didn't throttle the person I wanted to throttle.
I decided I really dislike the smell of lilies.
I loved seeing one of my aunts for the first time in nearly 40 years.
I liked the reward of gelato at the end of the day's journey.
I hope my children will be sad and miss me when it's my turn.
I'm relieved the funeral is over.

I AM NOT OLD!!! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not....

Last night I went to dinner with my son, daughter-in-law and their little family. The waitress came up and said, "Ok, we'll start here, what will you have, Grandma?" I wanted simultaneously to cry and slug her!

Then today I brought in the mail. First thing I see is an envelope from The Scooter Store, addressed to me. "Take this test and then take the next step to regaining your independence."

Ok, I know I'm not young. But seriously? Don't they know I finished the Goldilocks 15 mile ride?


Wild and crazy day: getting ready for Mom's funeral, attending a granddaughter's birthday dinner.

Went for a walk this morning (bike had a flat tire and The Hubby is out of town) and found myself wishing I was riding my bike. When did I decide that I liked riding bikes better?


I lost my Mom today. Hopefully one day I'll "find" her again. Until then, I'll try to find some happy memories.

Death can make life hard.


Another chance to see how many meals in all different places I can get in this week. Although, I'm thinking taste more than quantity.


Sometimes fridays can be the most interesting days of the week.

I'm still thinking about the fun time I had a lunch the other day - Cheesecake Factory is a great treat even if you don't go for dessert.

I'm not liking the fact that one of our beautiful red maple trees has a virus. Didn't know trees get viruses. Too bad there's not a vaccine.

I thoroughly enjoyed the new Ensign that arrived today. Only one article I didn't get a chance to read, and a couple of quotes that keep surfacing in my mind that I'll have to share.

Finished reading a book tonight that also had several quotes I like. Among them: We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. ---Luciano De Crescenzo

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Came across this quote of his that I like:

"Life is short but there is always time enough for courtesy."

Flip Flops

Today was my first official outing in flip flops for the season. I certainly would never be able to sneak up on anyone whilst wearing them. But...thinking of expanding my flip flop inventory.


Someone told me a week or so ago that I had "perfected the art of worrying." Wow! What can I perfect next?