
Caught a fairly decent picture from early this morning - the sun almost risen above the hills, we walked in light snowfall most of the time.  It was beautiful out. 

And I read this article:  found his experience to be very touching.  We need to connect with others.  I know that.  Often it isn't easy/convenient/comfortable.  We should try anyway.  (Including me.)  Neighbor's Need 

Along with that thought of connecting:  I loved this little article.  Haven't yet taken the 10 or so minutes to watch the video, but I loved the text between the pictures.   I think I need to read both of these articles this morning.  We All Matter / Portraits

Sunday Afternoon

9:00 a.m. church that's over at 11:00 makes for long Sunday afternoons.  Today has felt a little better. 

I admit:  church is hard.  The ward is peopled with imperfect/flawed humans (including and perhaps especially me).  Today was a tough one.  In spite of those emotions, I feel certain church is where our Creator wants me to be - to take the Sacrament, renew those baptismal covenants and cause re-commitment to try to be a better person, to know our Savior better, to let His Atonement cover all. I wish I didn't feel like such a failure at life.

Thursday afternoon we had crazy weather.  Started about noon and we had blizzarding - dense snow coming down sideways all afternoon and into the evening.  Although the temps never went low or stayed low, once the darkness arrived it turned to rain and rained hard all night and off and on the next day. We so need the moisture.  I'm ever grateful for our good roof. And my rain slicker.

I received a valentine!  😊 The sister who ministers to me dropped off this little container, complete with candy, a Book Of Mormon and a sweet note.  Again, grateful for kindness.  Then, today, we had to run some music over to a friend and came home to find these fun valentine mints had been left for us.  Yay for valentines for me/us.

Friday night we took Trax downtown to our symphony concert.  Bravo Broadway - one of my favorites that they do.  We had stellar performers and I was absolutely entranced the whole night.  There were only a couple songs I didn't really know, it was a perfectly lovely evening.  When we came out of the

concert it was raining heavily, I sprinted across the street and then mentally cursed my behavior.  My foot was not happy.  Again.  I still wonder if it will ever completely heal.  After our shift at the Bishop's storehouse yesterday it is feeling better than expected so likely no permanent damage from my mad-dash through the rain.  A useless mad-dash since we missed the train and had to wait for the next one. 

I'm grateful today for good books to read, I've spent some time this afternoon finishing a good one.  I'm grateful for hope that this will be a better week.  Not that last week was bad, but it did have its moments - some that I'm not proud of.  I'm grateful for a quick walk in the stiff wind (stiff breeze sounds better but stiff wind is w-a-y more accurate) that I managed without undue foot issues.  I'm grateful for people who are kind.  Ran into our 94 year old friend on our way out of the church today and her sweetness lifted my spirits. 


The other morning we woke up to the predicted cold - 6 degrees on our outdoor thermometers. I elected to try the treadmill for the first time in ages, it's my foot that I'm trying to be so careful of.  The swelling is dramatically reduced, pain also.  Taping and shoe pads are still the norm but I'm feeling more confident in my abilities to move properly.  I just have to go slower and shorter distances.  The treadmill worked fine and it was good to stay inside, The Husband has such difficulty with his hands in the cold. Even with the handwarmers that he puts inside his gloves.

So this morning we ventured out again.  First thing:  check the outside temp.  The Husband very happily bounded back into the bedroom to report it was 25 degrees (average between the two thermometers in different places outside).  Up and out we got as soon as possible and spent the rest of the time shivering.  The wind was brisk enough that it went through all my layers and chilled my very bones.

We had an errand to do this afternoon.  I try to get us old people (one retired, one not-so retired - it is my belief that women never really get to retire) out of the house every single day.  I'm thinking maybe today might be a stay-in-and-watch-a-movie day.  It's supposed to begin snow/rain about lunchtime and last until next week.  I need to warm up.

This morning's moon.
My personal project is coming along, I'm enjoying the process. My reading time has been a bit less the last year or so.  I read slower and am feeling more discriminate about what I'm willing to allow to fill that reading time.  But I'm still a devoted reader.  Have read a couple books this week that I've thoroughly enjoyed, including "Habits of A Peacemaker" by  Steven T. Collis.  I think I'd like to try to remember to re-read this one at some point.  And book two of Emma M. Lion is calling to me.  😊

We spent the afternoon at the temple yesterday, what a peaceful time it was for me.  I like being there and able to pretty much shut the world out.  Discouragement and stress seem to be my permanent though unwanted companions. 

Today I'm super grateful for 15 new hymns that have been released by the Church for the new book.  They are being printed for me at this very moment (thank you, My Love - always!!) and I'm looking forward to hearing / playing them. I'm also grateful for the ability to just stay inside all day long if I wish.  For food aplenty in the house to choose from.  For warm socks.  And I've been quite vocal lately about my gratitude for our good roof and new furnaces that are keeping us comfortable (even though this has been mostly a fairly mild winter).  I disliked having to spend all that money to have those things, but they have definitely been worth it. 

And I'm grateful for being able to walk this morning with the moon in full view before it set. I want to always have a grateful heart.  


Been so, so, so careful with my foot.  My mind is weary of the dang boot.  My body, also.  Have had a bit of success in daily life being careful and using the tape and shoe pads.  But have also been staying off my foot quite a bit.

Wednesday morning was spent sitting for roughly four hours through the online jury duty selection.  Wasn't chosen, for which I'm grateful.  It just felt too complicated to add to life right now.   And when I went to lunch with a couple friends on Tuesday I apparently ate something that didn't sit well on my stomach - have been unable to eat much besides crackers and rice noodles in broth.  

Last night we were invited to dinner with some friends and I was a bit hesitant.  But I did ok.  Didn't eat a whole lot and things stayed down with much less stomach discomfort.  I remain grateful that ginger really helps me. My stomach has been an issue my whole life.  As have my feet.  Sigh.

This morning on the trail.
So, this morning I woke up determined to get back out on my walk.  I haven't even done the elliptical much this week.  It isn't near as beneficial as being outside watching the day dawn, listening to and watching the birds flit and fly and just enjoying the morning quiet.  It was quite windy - as it has been all week - and a little cool and we got drizzled on.  But I walked out the front door, stood on the top porch step and just inhaled and said, "Oh, I've missed this so much!!!"

We walked very slow.  We walked a very short distance.  It still took close to an hour.  I only had about 6,000 steps at the end.  But my head is in a much better place this morning.  

I've spent some time sitting here looking at all the new books coming in to the library, looking at reviews and putting a bunch of them on my hold requests.  It'll be so fun to have some new things to read.  Though I'm still working my way through the Emma M. Lion series that was gifted to me. I love having plenty of good things to read.  Am currently reading one about how to be an effective communicator - being a peacemaker.  I have so much to learn.

Have a pair of shoes I finally tried on at the store to make sure the size is right.  But refuse to wear white sneakers.  Can order them online, but the price is giving me pause.  The Husband says order them.  I might.  Still thinking.

And I'm grateful today for being outside this morning, for it so far being ok with my foot.  I'm grateful for a fun project to be able to do.  For a little errand this afternoon.  For something good to read (I'm actually currently in the middle of three somethings good to read).  And for the ability to communicate with my kids that I so love.  Been in contact with three of the four today and that's just lovely.