San Francisco

Just a few observations from our couple days there:

I'm constantly amazed at the number of ways there are for people to move from one place to another. On this trip we utilized quite a few of them: private car (to the airport), airplane, BART, light rail, buses, trolley cars, cable cars, escalators, elevators, taxi cab (wonderful when you're standing in the pouring rain waiting for the bus that you don't yet know isn't coming), boat and of course: feet.

People can provide comic relief: the two ladies trying to trash their coffee so as to be able to get on the cable car. Apparently don't speak English and thought the blue mailbox on the corner was a trash. The Hubby stopped them. But I giggled about it for a full city block.

January 2010 in the City By The Bay made me extra grateful for my hooded waterproof rain slicker. I really needed it this week.

If you're down on Fisherman's Wharf looking for good food, try Lou's. I was elbow deep into the cioppino and loved every bite.

Ghirardelli Square hot fudge sundae shared with My Love was just the perfect dessert.

The Blue and Gold Fleet Bay Cruise was nearly as much fun as a ride at Disneyland.

The $ we saved by not renting a car, we used to splurge on a room with a view. The cost of the room worked out to only about $37.50 per square inch.

Cable cars that break down and leave you to walk what felt like a mile, uphill both ways, make you grateful for cable cars that don't break down.

And finally: The whole reason we went to San Francisco this week: "Wicked". Can't find enough superlatives to express how fabulous, tremendous, stupendous, wonderful, terrific and fun our night at the play was.

Row E, the two seats next to the center aisle at the Orpheum are the perfect seats for this great play. I absolutely loved it. Thanks, My Love for a wonderful Christmas gift, and a wonderful trip. It was completely the best!!!

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