
When playing games with friends - and it's important to know the difference - be sure to take note of whether your Jacks are one-eyed or two-eyed. Somehow I thought they were two-eyed and four-eyed.

We still won!

Common Sense

Heard this today: "Common sense has nothing to do with the D. A.'s office."

Wondered what it has to do with most politicians as well.


What if I had something tattooed on my forehead?

Like maybe:

Cannot Talk or

Bad Listener or

Cries Easily


It seems we have a magic microwave. The case of the "on again / off again" interior light remains unsolved. Weird that it would start working again in October - that most spooky of months.

Me and Myself

The Hubby walked into the room saying: I thought I heard voices.

Me: Yes, I was talking to myself.

The Hubby: And what was the result?

Me: Neither one of us knows anything.


I felt like Winnie The Pooh this morning commenting on the weather: What a blustery day!

Then exhibited more passive/aggressive (perhaps aggressive/passive might be more accurate) when required to put on another name tag to enter R. S. Today I was "Daisy Duck". Who shall I be next time? And does that mean I'm schizophrenic?

Difficult Old Women

Read this earlier this morning. Perhaps it will be my new motto.

"I like difficult old women, I'm in training to be one myself."

Think I've been in training for this since I was a difficult young woman.


I'm always saying what a homebody I am.

Why then, when I had a whole day to stay at home (like today) was I feeling antsy to go somewhere?

Money and Retirement

I'm thinking that if we had all the money that we've spent over our marriage on eyes (glasses, contact lenses, etc.) and teeth (dental work, braces, etc.) we could probably have retired already.

Smarting from my visit to the eye dr. Really like the new one. My new glasses will be expensive, but will be different than any I've ever had and I'm excited to have them. They'll have a clip on sunglass. (YAY!! WOW!! What a luxury!!)

The unwelcome news of the day? I've got a cortical spoke cataract developing in both eyes. Worse in the left. Have to go in for a follow-up in only 3 months.

Most uncomfortable part of the day: dilation of my eyes. Giving me headaches even as I sit here.

But....also thinking of the alternative: losing my sight altogether. Absolutely unthinkable.

Mind Meanderings

I've been thinking today about:

"Want to's" and "Have to's".

Wishing - and hoping for the future that more and more they are the exact same - on every level.


I've often wondered: there is so much "stuff" manufactured to be sold or used across this world. What happens to all the stuff left over? All the extras left on the shelves. At some point it is removed from the shelves and what happens to it? Where does it go - all those clothes that don't get sold, and kitchen stuff and the treasures from Oriental Trading Co., and all the stuff in those endless catalogs - where does it all go?

Stressed Out By Sundays

So, to recap today:

Up early (The Hubby had Stake High Priest Mtg.) and off to some of the grandchilluns Primary Program.

Decided to do my best to forgive someone who may or may not deserve it. (Yes, I do know the real right answer.)

Taught Sunday School (Nervous. Don't necessarily enjoy teaching. Do enjoy the YSA's. Don't particularly enjoy Isaiah.)

Endured R. S. (She-Who-Somehow-Never-Runs-Out-Of-Words-No-Matter-How-Fast-She-Spits-Them-Out wasn't as bad as usual. Was it her - or was it me, learning a teensy bit of tolerance?)

Attended the Stake YSA Meeting (decided to not make a parenthetical comment.)

Am amazed that the little 2 year old next door so happily proclaims that she's talking to me!

Went for a walk to try to soothe some ruffled feelings (They weren't home, do we get credit for trying? Even when it wasn't us that did the ruffling?)

Discovered the day that stresses me more than any other day was ok after all. Still have some "grumps" but getting through this day with most of my aging decorum intact has some impact on lessening them.

Getting the V. T. accomplished this week will help. Getting a dreaded lunch over will help. Managing 5 days of exercise will help.

Then it's on to the next set of "grumps"!! Can hardly wait!


I've got a bad case of the grumps. The Old Grump (aka The Hubby - who seriously has rarely had a grumpy day in his life) has tried to no avail to cajole me out of it. Red Iguana was a good try - but then I did the usual: ate too much and now am grumpier 'cause the old tummy is grumpy.

Must be the post-vacation blues. Except I'm not really in the mood to go anywhere. Just wanna have some fun. Too many responsibilities hanging over me I just want to run away from.

I don't even think some retail therapy will help.


Saw the best play last night: The Drowsy Chaperone. Made all the more fun by the paroxysms of giggles my seatmate (not The Hubby - the other side, another couple we took) was having.


Thought today as I was driving home, how pretty the leaves are on the trees with their vivid fall wardrobes. Not looking forward to raking those wardrobes off the ground. Isn't there someway those trees could pick up after themselves?


I love an occasional day to stay at home. The entire day. An occasional one. Once in awhile.


Some truly awesome happenings today:

Got hugs from some of the grandchilluns.

Had a visit from a son we don't get to see often enough.

Free dinner at the Larry Miller Toyota Dealership.

Won Hospitality Suite Jazz Tickets for Preseason Game 3.

And one of the very best: Got to see the first Chilean miner reach the surface. Completely brought tears to my eyes. Praying the rest of the rescue goes smoothly.

Brings even more tender feelings of gratitude as I head to my comfy bed in my lovely home. Never, never, never want to take all that for granted.


Grandchildren's hugs are the ones that warm a heart, uplift a dragging spirit and cause a soul to smile.

There is - for me - only one equal: the hugs from The Hubby.

Can't ever get enough of them - either kind. Decided I was hug-starved as a child (and adolescent and adult and old lady....)


The guy is here just finishing up cleaning some carpets. Feels terrific that they are done. (And all that incidental cleaning that we did in preparation.)

I can now tell you about this guy's whole house-buying experience. Where it is, the tax implications, the brick retaining wall & the mouse infestation among other things.

And I didn't ask a single question.


Had a little rebellious passive/aggressive thing going on today. Wasn't going to be allowed into the R. S. room for R. S. until I put on a name tag. Do I have to? Really?

My new name: Minnie Mouse.

Repenting tonight. (But I did save my name tag.)


I was bemoaning the fact that I'd spent $30 on a pair of boots (had a coupon) and probably should have spent the money on something else (or saved it). Was reminded that with that $30 I could have bought 3,000 packages of ramen.

Think I'll keep the boots.


Love this quote:

"Giving is a necessity sometimes...more urgent, indeed, than having."
--Margaret Lee Runbeck

It's Friday And

I got to go on a date! With The Hubby!!

It ended up being a better day than I expected. Today's mantra: no expectations. So the experiences didn't collide with the expectations, they just sort of peacefully coexisted. And that's good enough.


When it seems our only avenue is prayer, when we feel helpless to do anything else but pray, one of the hardest things to do is then let it all go.

Hoping there are countless angels snatching up those heartfelt pleadings and winging them on their way with an extra measure of love and concern.

Constantly whispering in my mind that God will watch over those I pray for and help us each to understand His will. Determining again to do my best to live a worthy life - and wishing always to be an instrument of Goodness, Kindness, and Assistance.

Wondering how to impart that crucial element: Hope.

Collide or Coincide

Hoping to live a life where the expectations and experiences coincide rather than collide.

Ocean Waves

Haven't slept (since our return from Maui) as well as I expected.

Must be missing the sound of those waves breaking on the shore......

General Conference


The list goes on and on. Words spoken in exhortation yesterday and today in Conference.

Words to shape my life.


I must be home from vacation: I've wandered around the house picking up no less than 4 pair of shoes from random "just kicked off" spots to return to the bedroom.

Wondering if I might, perhaps, need another pair?

"R" or "T" or Both?

I listened to a vice-principal talk to his elementary school students today - about responsibility and how important it is, and how it relates to trust. How trust is hard earned and easily lost. How crucial it is to be trustworthy, and how being trustworthy starts with being responsible.

Remembering how I've complained in the past about that scarlet "R" that seems to be emblazoned across my forehead - and how disappointed I often have been at how I just am the one people count on to do the work but not pay any attention to. But, if that scarlet "R" is accompanied by a wonderfully white "T" for trustworthy, I could get used to that.

It's something to strive for anyway.