
Here are a few thoughts from my visit with my friend / dentist:

1.  You know that water they use when they are rinsing / suctioning?  Why on earth isn't it warm?

2.  There ought to be a way to numb your mouth without needles.

3.  Why aren't those dentist chaise lounges built for (or adjustable for) height-challenged people? (My head actually rests below the head-rest - not optimal for comfort.)  And I'm surprised I don't actually pass out from being stood on my head in the chair for 40 minutes.

4.  Why do they either: a.  talk as though you aren't a sentient being (don't exist, don't have a brain, or can't hear them) or b.  ask you questions when they've got their fist in your mouth and expect you to coherently answer?

5.  That numbing agent?  Can't they make it so you can take an antidote and have the effects disappear instantly?  Kind of tired of having a numb mouth for most of the day.

6.  I've learned to make my appointments early in the day before the dentist's readers get splattered - when they're still clean and he can see out of them.

7.  Why do they all have these cheery receptionists that want to know your life history when you're numb all over, can't talk around your numb tongue and just plain don't feel good?  Politely professional should be a job requirement.  (Or perhaps the numbing agent should have anti-grump properties.)

8.  Jamba Juice (with protein) is the appropriate reward for suffering the indignities and discomfort of the dental visit.

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