
We've seen quite a few movies the last few months:
Super 8
The Way Back
I Am Number Four
Rise of The Planet Of The Apes
Midnight In Paris
Captain America
Larry Crowne
Harry Potter (final installment)
Monte Carlo
Pirates of the Carribean
Atlas Shrugged
The King's Speech (cleaned up version)
The Adjustment Bureau
Green Lantern
Green Hornet
Battle Los Angeles
Fast Five
Source Code
Cowboys and Aliens

This list goes back several months, and is not comprehensive.  Most of these are pretty forgettable movies.  Although I would see Midnight in Paris again in a heartbeart. (And WOW - we've seen quite a few movies!  But it's still cheaper than heading out of town. And I'm mostly good with these micro-vacations.)

Today was the much-anticipated "The Help".  I loved the book, even though I didn't expect to.  Ms. Stockett is a wonderful author.  I had high hopes going into this movie, even though I expected to be let down.  Wonder of wonders - it fulfilled my wishes.  A wonderfully cast, reaches your heart, fairly faithful to the book 2+ hours of great entertainment.  Still don't like Hilly.  Still don't have to like Hilly.  Still am expected to dislike Hilly.  And still can see parts of Hilly all around me.

Makes me want to go re-read the book, and I probably shall at some point.  I do wish there had been a way to incorporate the last few pages of the book - after the novel where Ms. Stockett put in her own experiences.  That - for me - lent a lot of weight to all that preceded it.  But - that was the only thing I would have changed about the movie.

Finally - a great movie after a lot of duds.  I seem to sit through a lot of movies (based on comic books, or science fiction) that aren't really my thing.  But The Husband apparently like this one as well as I did.

Still...he owes me a lot of "chic" flicks.

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