
I'm starting to think I don't like this word anymore.  We use it all the time.  When we ask for something that someone else then provides and it's just right, we say "perfect!" We often use it to describe something - "Oh, it's just perfect!"  Or - "She's so perfect!"

And yet:  things, situations, relationships and people are rarely really perfect.  I seems like if we use the word enough we can convince ourselves that things are perfect.  And we shortchange ourselves and others.

Too often people will be held up as an example of perfection, sometimes by others around them, and sometimes by themselves.  And who can live up to that expectation for very long?  And what standard is used for the judgement?

This is an imperfect world, peopled with imperfect people pursuing that vague status of perfection because we think it must be attained before we can rejoin those in the world to follow.  But it is not a status that can be obtained in this world, nor is it really expected of us.

What is expected, in my opinion, is to have a pure heart, a kind soul, an unselfish attitude and a willing spirit.  Those are things to strive for.  (And leave the perfect out of the equation.  It isn't going to happen.) And what is also expected is for us to continually work on improving our hearts, souls, attitudes and spirits.  To reach ever higher in our actions and motivations, to keep our eyes fixed on the goal and work toward that end.

I don't want to settle for anything less than my best - and that has nothing to do with anyone else.

Perfect?  Schmerfect!

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