Holiday Magic

I noticed this phrase multiple times today when reading the newspaper.  There was lots of advice being given about how to have Holiday Magic in our homes; how the purchase of just the right thing promotes that holiday magic; that holiday magic is a "must have".

I love that word "magic."  Have felt it's presence in my life on numerous occasions.  For instance:  I'll never forget the magic of that first kiss from The Husband.  wow....  And I still feel that magic when he holds my hand.

There is magic in a hug, especially from the grandchilluns.  And in a smile - even from a complete stranger.  There can be magic in music.

I've also found magic in words - like:  "please come" or "sit here by me" or "I so enjoy when...." or "would you please...." or "I Love You".

What exactly is Holiday Magic and why is it so important?  That idyllic, picture perfect feeling around the holidays is often elusive.  People get sick, they're grumpy or unkind or tired, selfishness runs rampant.

I contend that "magic" can be a manifestation of care and concern for another.  That it could - and should -  permeate our actions every day of the year, not just around ThanksGiving and Christmas.

And if I could, I would wave my magic wand and spread magic sprinkles across the heart of all around me and then loan them my magic wand to sprinkle their own brand of magic through their circle (including family, friends and acquaintances) and so on.

What magic we could create.

1 comment:

  1. would LOVE to share your wand! Who couldn't use a little more of you magic! love it!
