
Been running up against something a lot lately - seems like it's more than usual.  The Husband tells me this is one of the "challenges" that I was blessed with.  Maybe....but it certainly can get aggravating.

People delight in telling me what to do.  Generally, I think the intention is to help.  But also, generally, the conversation begins, ends or consists of:  "what you need to do..."  From being rebuked for walking on some rocks in a parking lot median (you know - those curbs filled with plants and rocks) to being told what kind of countertops I must get, to being berated for not attending R.S. enrichment, to how I should interact with my adult children, to how I wear my hair.  It runs the gamut and this list is by no means comprehensive.

Now, I have never really been a rebellious spirit.  And I've done my best to accomodate people over the years.  But somewhere in my 50's I decided that the only person I really needed to be obedient to was Heavenly Father.  And I do my best in that arena. (And He is the only person I really need to answer to.)

So, why do I have to suffer with all this direction?  One mother is fine.  And I have one.  I'm not in school so I don't need another teacher.  I'm not currently working so don't need a "boss", and there's only one General Manager of The Universe and I fully acknowledge that it isn't any of the people living on this earth.

I managed to get to 60 years of age without killing myself (or anyone else), I'm fine with my choice in countertop, attending R. S. enrichment is NOT mandatory, it is not productive to try to discipline any one other than myself, and my hair is just fine.  Somehow people have gotten the idea that if I don't adhere to their standards/requirements/wishes then I am failing and need their direction.

Our lives are about choice and personal accountability.  Notice I said "personal" accountability.

That said, I remember yelling at other drivers when they are idiots (IMHO) on the road, being frustrated by another's refusal to come with me to Jamba Juice ("I don't drink my calories"), not liking the books chosen for the Reader's Choice at the library, being irritated at someone's ignoring my e-mail - and I could go on and on.

The point:  I'm just like everyone else.  I want what I want, when I want it, where I want it, and I want everyone else to toe my line.  The only difference is I really try to keep my thoughts about what I think others should do to myself.   I'm not good at most things in this world.  But in this I am making progress.

Now if I could only make others do the same.....(irony intended.)

1 comment:

  1. its that agency thing isn't it! I want everyone to do things my way! As long as they ust their agency the way I think they should - no problem! No one I know wanted to be bossed around by the time they were two! (inclucing me!)
