Morning Bike Ride Musings

I still find it so funny that I have a blog, and that I actually think about it often through the day and what I'm going to write about.  Don't feel like I have much of an aptitude for writing but somehow it is therapeutic to me to put things down in words.

This morning I found myself categorizing the runners that I passed on my morning bike ride.  There are (at least in my mind) several distinct types.  There are:
  • The "Steadies."  They're the ones that just run along at a steady pace, absorbed in their own heads, oblivious to the world around them.
  • The "Bounders."  These are the ones who run as though they have springs on the bottom of their feet, just bounding along.
  • The "Gaspers."  They're the ones who sound like they're fighting for their last breath of life, no matter how fast or slow they're going.
  • The "Shufflers."  These runners never really pick up their feet - they must go through a lot of shoes.
  • The "Flee-ers."  Who run as though the devil himself is after them.  Can't slow down, can't stop, can't greet you, just have to run.
  • The "Gliders."  Those whose upper body is completely level and seemingly stationary, whose legs do all the work in a smooth even stride.
  • And finally, the "No-Shows".  Those who don't run, who choose to just walk, or ride their bikes.  That would be me. I'd love to run (yes, there is a small element of envy there) - I'd love to be lean like so many runners. But this body just doesn't care for running; it rebels against the knee (as well as other body parts) pain.  Doesn't enjoy the bouncing.
And on another front:  have I mentioned how thankful I am for that creative soul who came up with the cute little rectangular smiley face on my phone to indicate texting?  Every time I find one on my phone it makes me happy.  (And not just because someone is thinking of me enough to contact me via text.)  It  just makes me smile back at it.  (Just picture this plump old lady smiling goofily at her phone - makes you smile, too, huh?) Thanks to the inventor, whoever you are.

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