Monday, Again?

What is it about a Monday?  It seems they are more often a strange day than other days of the week.

This morning I had occasion to stop in at the restroom in a store.  This was a small public restroom, 2 stalls, one stall being wheelchair accessible.  While I was in the smaller stall, all of a sudden I hear a thud and catch something out the corner of my eye.  What I find is a fairly large roll of toilet paper unrolling across the floor until it nudges up against my foot.

Now what do I do?  Does the lady in the next stall need this?  Is it an extra?  Is she ok?  All sorts of questions run through my mind.  I run through various scenarios - wondering if she can just pull the roll toward her, or if it will just unroll (and no one wants to use paper that has been dragged across a public restroom floor- ewww...) or should I speak up - keeping in mind that the second that roll hit the floor there was dead silence beyond the divider, making me think she might be too embarrassed to even acknowledge her clumsiness.

I dithered and dithered - and finally gently toed it back toward her, washed my hands and scooted out the door.  But now:  I want to know the rest of the story.

Decided to have a couple scrambled eggs for lunch.  First egg cracked into the bowl:

And yes, a double yolk!  How often does that happen?  Pretty rarely for me.  And I hesitated to put the second egg in for scrambling, didn't want to be a pig and eat three eggs.  Or is it still just one egg with double the protein?

And the question of the day is why, when all you're doing at the doctor's is having someone look at your hand, do they have to weigh you?  I still don't believe that it is a necessary activity, particularly when I'd just had lunch and was wearing a minimum of 5 lbs. of clothes.  One of these days I'm going to rebel.

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