Long Post

Ok, this will be a long post, I have lots of thoughts circling my brain. (And please, if there is a reader out there that loves halloween, just skip this post.  My intent is to express myself - not offend.)

This morning I watched a lengthy news report on tv.  The purpose:  to enlighten and assist parents in handling the abundance (or even over-abundance) of halloween candy from the trick-or-treating last night.

Here's the scenario:  We (meaning the general U.S. public) spend inordinate amounts of money on costumes and candy.  Then we take our children out, and teach them to go door-to-door asking for candy and goodies.  Then we bemoan their behavior from the sugar high as well as make them share or give up their candy for money.  (After we've taught them it's ok to beg for it.)  Sometimes parents even drive their children to seemingly more affluent neighborhoods so as to increase the quantity and quality of the treats.

Am I the only one that sees the problem here?  Not much integrity or consistency in moral values that I can see.

I struggled mightily with this when our children were in those trick-or-treating days.  Now I'm a confirmed non-supporter of this tradition.  It is my belief that the way we celebrate this holiday (and I'm not sure it really qualifies as a holiday) is not only misguided but counterproductive.

After the trick-or-treaters dwindled to nothing last night we put on a tv show.  We're not much for sit-coms around here.  For my taste, they're generally filled with too much unkindness and disloyalty - dressed up as something funny - that leaves me cold.  It tries to make it attractive to treat other people, including family with disrespect and sarcasm presenting those behaviors as the way things should be.  I'm not a fan.

But, the show we were watching last night (a crime-drama) impressed me.  There were several instances of conflict in the show that I saw resolved really well.  Now, I come from a family of shouters.  My upbringing consisted of lots of yelling and condemnation.  I've found as I've gotten older how little I can handle that kind of thing.  I noticed in the show last night the total absence of raised voices.  I noticed - even when angry - the characters stated their case without insults or recrimination.  One of the reasons we watch this show is because it shows a family of four generations that seem to really enjoy each other and whose loyalty to one another is never questioned.

I so like that they manage to portray the resolution of issues without aggression.  Last night it was even openly expressed that the best way to solve things is by using your brain.  I like that. (Now I need to figure out how to use my brain.)  Communication is essential to this.  Deception is not.

Ok, venting done.  Tonight we're off to Hale Theatre for the play "Oliver".  Musicals generally do wonders for me.  I'm already singing "As Long As He Needs Me" in my head.  It will be a good antidote to the grumpiness induced by last night's activity.

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