Tuesday's Cogitations

I never thought I'd be a "blogger."  Never considered myself a writer or that I had anything to say that would be of any value to another.  Then, on a whim, I decided to start a blog and note things that processed through my brain.  One of my (mostly fulfilled) intentions was to be positive in my words.

Because of that hope, I have, on occasion kept my thoughts to myself- not posted on this forum.  I really don't want to come across as a Negative Nellie.

Yesterday we got the final word:  The Husband no longer has a job with the Mother Ship.  When he was hired we viewed it as one of those larger-than-tender-mercies-felt-like-almost-a-miracle-occurrences.  He has loved his five and a half years with the company.  He was hired to be a remote employee and we have loved the experience of having him work from home.  But...the parameters have changed and they no longer want any remote employees.

The result:  pretty soon we'll be tapping into the unemployment fund.

Another result is the fog we feel with our emotions ranging from anger to hurt to wanting to throw a tantrum to gratitude that The Husband was able to work from home as long as he did.  Also a bit of trepidation as to what the future is going to bring for us. The job market isn't great for 61 year old men regardless of their broad range of experience.  The housing market isn't conducive to a quick sale on a house we have absolutely no desire to sell.  We will no longer have health insurance. The bank account doesn't hold enough for retirement.  And the heart doesn't want to have to deal with any of it.

On the upside:  we have learned we can have a dog and soda at Costco for the two of us for $3 + tax.  On Tuesdays we can have a Sonic cheeseburger for $1.19 + tax and I'll be picking up some fresh yeast at the grocery and sharpening my bread making skills.  (Or rather, acquiring some.)  Our electric bill will most likely decrease absent those two computers, two monitors and laptop from the company.  We can eliminate that "Blast" of extra high-speed internet we've been paying for.

And our hearts are still firmly and inseparably entwined together.  We've always been on our own, never really had family support (financial or otherwise).  The Husband is an amazingly unselfish hard worker.  I know he won't give up until he's figured things out.  Together we will endure.  Thanks, My Love, for finding me....don't leave without me.

Pity eating (ice cream, cookies, other basically bad for us comfort food) has commenced and will continue until morale improves, or we each gain 50 pounds, whichever comes first.  :^)

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