
Been hankering for some homemade bread. (I really only like whole wheat.) Purchased some high quality whole wheat flour, made sure I had honey, oil and yeast and got to work.

A friend stopped by.  Promised him some warm-fresh-from-the-oven-yummy-bread.  Shouldn't promise things I can't be sure to deliver.

Rarely buy shortening - it usually goes rancid before I can use it (even the very smallest container) and I dislike wasting money.  So...I had no Crisco.  Surely swabbing the inside of the loaf pans with oil will work, won't it?  Apparently not.

Left the bottom half of two loaves in the pan (trying to remove said loaves from pan to cool)  before I tossed the whole problem into The Husband's capable hands.

His brilliant solution - so that I would have a fairly nice, complete loaf to take to the Friend -  cut a slice along the bottom edge of the pan, slide a knife through the slice and release the bread from the bottom of the pan.  Eureka!  Success!

Spent the rest of the afternoon pulling chunks of the bottom half of the loaf from the pan, slathering them in butter and stuffing them down my gullet.  Yum!

Next stop:  the grocery for some Crisco, and down the road perhaps a stop for a new pan to replace the sacrificial one.

Today's gratitude for:  The Husband's unfailing, consistent efforts to ease my pathway through this life, hugs, a fresh stack of library books and the way Heavenly Father continues to bless this undeserving soul.

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