
Still snowing!
It's been snowing for two straight days.  And by the time tomorrow finishes out its hours, it will have snowed for three straight days.  Not complaining, just saying...pretty soon they'll be trucking the snow out of here because there's no place to put it.

Snow makes things look so peaceful.
Some people throw the snow from their driveways into the street.  That irritates the snowplow drivers who sometimes retaliate by plowing the snow into the driveway entrance.  One time the snowplow was going too fast, didn't make the curve and took out 10 feet of our neighbor's grass in the park strip - sprinkler heads and all.  (No repairs until spring when the damage could actually be discerned.)

We headed off to Hale Theatre tonight.  We had to change from our previous usual Thursday nights to Tuesday nights for this season.  It felt distinctly odd to be there on a Tuesday.  The Husband was astonished at the difference in the attendees from our usual night.  Tuesday's crowd seemed to be old and young with not much in the middle age range.  (The sweet old lady in front of us kept repeating the dialogue from the play - or would talk back to the actors.  That'll be me in a few short years!)

I think its kind of funny how I'm always noticing what the older folks are about.  Can't decide if I'm taking lessons or learning the cautionary tale of what not to do. seems that old people are fascinated with two subjects:  their health (or lack thereof, ailments, etc.) and the weather.  Since tonight's post seems to cover half of those subjects, I must be halfway to old age.  That must mean I have a lot of time left to acquire more of those ailments that I can then talk about.  :^)

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