Funteresting Things About Friday

Hurry up breakfast!
Headed out for a walk this morning.  Decided that I surely love the days when the trail is less traveled. And that I much prefer a teensy bit slower pace.  At least my arthritic feet do.

Stood for a minute and watched this palomino.  Pacing.  He was hungry and waiting for breakfast. Expressing his impatience by pacing up and down his fence. Hadn't seen that behavior before.

Was kept company on part of my walk by a brood of chickens.  They seemed to match my pace.  When I pulled out my phone to snap a shot, though, they all became suddenly very shy and crawled back under the fence into their yard.

11 lbs. of Nutella would take me 11 years to use.
Headed out to Costco.  It's been a while since I was there.  They've done some re-arranging (as they are wont to do.) For the first time in all the years this particular Costco has been open they moved the salt for the water softeners.  Now instead of being in the farthest southwest corner of the store, it is in the farthest northeast corner of the store. We must really want those heavy items to carry them so far.

Watched - in the cart in front of me - a small young'un toss his cookies.  And his mother didn't have a single thing in her huge bag to clean him up.  Good Samaritans still exist. (Sad to say, though, it wasn't me.  I wasn't quick enough getting the wipes out of my bag.)

Came across the most ginormous bottle of Nutella I've ever seen.  Left it there. Was so surprised I didn't even check the price.

The granddaughters and I are very fond of Little MissMatched socks.  So much so that I've become more comfortable wearing mis-matched socks that aren't even supposed to be that way.  Still, though, got a chuckle out of the grandson - returned from school, shed his shoes & showed us his "yin-and-yang" socks.  Reminded me when our son used to do the very same thing when he was in school.  (His comment,"who says socks have to match, anyways?" was totally him/true.)
Socks don't have to match.  :^)

Been looking for a replacement chair for the living room.  Without much success.  Finally found the perfect chair in a catalog.  Do I dare order a chair from a catalog?  Thinking....

And as I proofread this recitation - it's been an ordinary day.  Nothing probably really even worth the time to write about.  Except: it was full of sunshine, and lovely puffy clouds, people who managed to be observant enough to help another in spite of how crowded and busy the store was, air-conditioned house and car, sunglasses, and enough money to pay for the things we need.

Today's gratitude:  for being whisked off to pick up sandwiches for an impromptu picnic lunch in the park.  Delightful.

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