Monday Again

Beautiful, isn't it?
And where does the time go?  Saturday was spent movie-ing, rake-ing, Home Depot-ing and clock set-ing.  Sunday was spent Church-ing, rest-ing, chatt-ing, and walk-ing.  I am so love-ing this weather.

Dawn this morning brought the departure of The Husband for his week at work.  Then he'll be off to the kids' for a quick Saturday/Sunday trip, then we are gone for 8 days, then home for a few, then off to Thanksgiving.  And I'm already tired from all that "-ing" stuff we did over the weekend.  :^)

Should have spent today raking some more.  Gonna run out of bags for the needles/leaves if I do.  I'll wait till after garbage pick-up.

Today's view of one of the cottonwood trees included the stunning blue sky.  Just the other day the tree was covered in leaves.  Now those leaves cover the yard.  It's as if the tree all of a sudden decided it was tired and just dropped all (or almost all) of the leaves at once.  Made for a lovely leaf-fall (rather than rain-fall).

Ran across this quote the other day that I so loved.  But no, still not fond of stripes and plaids worn together in the same outfit.  Uh-uh. Not even if you're a genius.

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.”

― Albert Einstein

And after today (and all those other days when The Husband is gone):  decided I don't like living alone.

Today's gratitude:  for my cellphone and all the convenience it affords me.

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