Not So Good / Good

Since I like happy endings, I'll start with the "not so good" and end with the good.

Not so good: that The Husband is feeling a tad stressed over the solar issue.  Late last night he received word the power company now wants to increase the proposed net metering fee (the one The Husband is fighting. Kinda makes me irate as well.) An increase even before the approval.  Sigh....

The good:  that The Husband is passionate about doing what's right.  And that he has the energy and clear-thought processes to do what he can to make it right.

Not so good: that Visiting Teachers are sometimes viewed as an annoyance.

The good:  that we have some awesome sisters to visit, who make us feel welcome.

Not so good:  it has finally turned into summer - complete with heat.

The good:  our air conditioner.

Not so good:  That some of the creatures I saw on my walk were so quick I couldn't manage a picture.

The good:  That I was aware enough to notice the deer (3 of them in different spots), the unusual song of a bird, mama duck & ducklings and the muskrat.  Seeing the natural wildlife somehow brightens my morning walk.

Now that's a decent pocket.
The not so good:  having to look so hard for decent jeans.  Not everyone wants to wear ginormous pocket flaps (and/or glitz) on their behind.

The good:  finding a pair of jeans with the perfect back pocket and that fit!

The not so good:  having medical bills...of any kind.

The better:  getting a discount for paying right away.  25% is a good savings.  (But, it makes me wonder how much profit is already factored in if they can give that kind of discount right off the top. Cynic that I am.)

The not so good:  That our trees currently require so much attention.  (Told The Husband I should just put the checkbook on the porch and let everyone "have at it" - it feels like we're just hemorrhaging cash!)

The good:  That there are people out there who know how help us keep our trees healthy - they add so much enjoyment to our little corner of earth.

The good:  comfy shoes that free my feet from pain.

The good: birthdays! (June is our big birthday month - The Husband and four grandchilluns.  Love to celebrate those we love.

The good:  the gratitude I feel - to Heavenly Father for this beautiful world, for kind people, for welcoming smiles, for a spontaneous hug and for an awareness of my blessings.  The good always tips the scales.
It was a breathtaking sunset.

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