Tuesday Morning And I'm Still Behind

Coming home from vacation on Saturday night requires a bit of patience through a Sunday/Sabbath we try to observe.  So, by Monday morning I already was feeling a tad overwhelmed with all I had to do.  Since The Husband is still taking a couple days vacation, he wants to play, rest and relax - although with all the chore catching up on that has been challenging.  He spent yesterday mowing the lawn (which looked like a jungle) and then fixing the riding mower.

Spending a couple hours at a movie The Husband enjoyed much more than I also challenged my efforts - although I'm not complaining about the hot, fresh popcorn!

Finally this morning I'm beginning to see the floor in the laundry room.  (Ironing pile looms large!)

Am still thinking about the other day when my faults once again romped in front of me.  I made a snap judgement about some people.  Was unkind - and it counts just as much when unkindness is mostly mental. Even entertained some envy.  In just a short time, maybe a couple hours, information was revealed that was the polar opposite of what I had thought.  WOW!  Was I ever brought up short! It was another humbling experience I hope to remember as I interact with other Children Of God.
1st attempt at banana cream pie.

It's only been in the last couple years that it has really clicked in my head how much The Husband loves his southern roots.  This year it was the banana cream pie that finally connected.  He ordered it a couple times while we were at the beach.  Determined to show that I can learn even at my advanced maturity, I picked up the ingredients and attempted to duplicate his memories.  The result was devoured, but I'm thinking of ways to improve the pie on my next attempt.  I love it when I please him.

I'm a bit surprised at myself and how much I've still been longing to be at the beach.  The weather prevented us from having as much time on the actual beach as we'd have liked, although we did manage to get a little sun.  Dedicated homebody that I am, I'd still love to be walking that beach in the sunrise.

Came across this quote that I so love.  Wisdom is another quality that remains elusive to me. I admire it in others.

“I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that, I still possess.”
-Corrie ten Boom

And today, I'm grateful for home.  It's a place in my heart as much as an actual building - somewhere I feel safe, protected, wanted and accepted.  It's a lovely place to be.

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