Practically Holding My Breath

Setting moon 6:45 a.m. 
It seems like I've been almost holding my breath since early Monday morning, waiting to fully breathe until tonight when The Husband arrives.  It has seemed like an extra-long week and I've felt just "off-kilter" the whole time.  We haven't even received any interesting mail in the mailbox!

My walk this morning was outside again with the better weather although I was so glad I'd brought along my earmuffs and gloves.  The trail is busier now, even though it's dark again.  Everyone is anxious for spring. The moon looked so lovely as I walked next to the creek where the muskrats live.

I've been immersed this week in the Atonement - the topic of Sunday's lesson in Gospel Essentials. There's so much to learn, so much to share and so much (personally) to overcome.  Easter is truly a day of celebration for all mankind.  How grateful I am for The Plan.  I hope Jeffrey R. Holland lives a really long time, we need his wisdom and the particularly inspiring way he imparts it.  Haven't we all felt poor in spirit at some time?

"When He says to the poor in spirit, “Come unto me,” He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up. He knows it because He has walked it. He knows the way because He is the way."
—Jeffrey R. Holland, "Broken Things to Mend"

I read a magazine article the other day (about a woman's personal - and wrenching -experience).  This last sentence was the one that captured my attention, I love her reference to hope, we all need that hope:  "But I did stay -- because one night in a grocery store I turned around, ready to receive what is sometimes just on the other side of hope."

I'm grateful today for the (assumed will be safe) return of The Husband.  For completed taxes to pick up tomorrow for filing.  For music that fills the walls of our home.

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