Trying To Catch Up

Sometimes it seems like I'll always be behind.  I think part of the reason I'm feeling so pressured is the time it takes to prepare each week for our Sunday School class.  Everyone in there is so much more knowledgeable than I am.  It does cause some anxiety.

Bento Food Fun
Anyway, Monday and yesterday I began to feel like I made a bit of headway.  We'll see how long I can stay marginally on top of things.

The first time I ever saw/heard of a Bento Box I was immediately captivated!  I love the concept and generally the implementation.  I received this great Bento Box for my very own.  It came complete with tucked away utensils and those darling colored-silicone liners to fill and place inside to separate the contents.  It is air-tight, microwave and dishwasher safe and cute to boot!  What a fun gift!

Entering the grocery store this morning, my ears were assaulted.  It's usually a bit noisy in there but not like this. Come to find out they're remodeling / re-merchandising my favorite shopping place.  Mixing things up, adding new stuff - how will I ever find what I'm looking for?  That's the kind of change I could do without.

Darling Dianthus
Spent some time this afternoon in the front flower beds.  We had talked about maybe planting something different this year.  But when we came home from the nursery it was with a trunk full of our usual: geraniums.  This local farm grows them from seed and while the purists are usually against non-zonal geraniums, the ones we get from this particular place seem to do just fine.  And at $1.50 per plant (vs. $4 per plant) we opted for the seed geraniums this year.  (Last year we did some seed and some zonal and they both did super well. We'll try all seed this year.  Especially since I have a difficult time spending hard earned $ for annual plants. I always want more bang for the buck!)

Hopefully beautiful red and white geraniums, with alyssum.
So, they're planted, along with the dianthus.  Watered, and given a pep talk to do their best to shine in our yard (you know, that old saying:  Bloom where you're planted!)  The geraniums look like they got a bit of frost on their leaves, but I don't usually give up on a plant until it is truly (not mostly) dead.

I wandered out to the veggies to check on things.  Knowing it is w-a-y too early to expect any sprouts to be showing but figuring that if I can give the flowers a pep talk the veggies deserve one, too.  The tomatoes are looking good.  I'll have to remember to water them in the morning.

I'm so grateful for flowers - they truly to brighten and beautify this world.  I'm grateful for grocery store shelves that are filled to abundance.  For the sunshine that makes it pleasant to plant the flowers.  For someone that cares enough to bring me water to drink while I'm out in the sunshine.  And for something good to read (when I can break away for some reading time).  It truly nourishes my soul.

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