Garbage Day Again

Only 3 more (for now) to go.
And the garbage men not only emptied the bins thoroughly this morning, The Husband did a teensy speck of cheating and filled the bins again and rolled them across the street to be dumped a second time.  That means we only have 3 bags of leaves left!  At least for the moment. The beeches, honeylocusts and maples are beginning to lose a few leaves at a time.  I've stocked up on bags for them. It's mid to upper 60's out and nearly the middle of November.  It's time for fall/winter. I hope we get some moisture from the skies pretty soon.

Lovely day for the trail.
We were up quite late watching the election coverage.  Which meant when the sun rose I wasn't ready to get out of bed, strange for me.  Long about 10:30, though I was feeling batty in my head.  Restless. Anxious.  So I headed over to the library.  Returned a book, came home with three in my nifty birthday backpack.  The trail was beautiful.  The weather lovely.  My mood?  Not much improved. There's a reason I slide out of bed, into my clothes and on the trail in the pre-dawn hours.  I'm simply better in the morning.  And while the walk was good, I trudged home feeling hot, tired and annoyed with those people who don't understand that the trail is mine.  All mine.

Today I'm most grateful that the election is over.  I'm weary of it all.  (Slightly terrified for our future, because frankly, neither candidate was a good choice.)  I'm grateful The Husband's schedule cleared enough that we could do a rare lunch out.  Even Stevens does a great Cuban Sandwich, and a great Reuben.  (We need to learn that half a sandwich is plenty for each of us.  We keep forgetting that we can share.)  I'm grateful for those who forgive me - no matter what I've done. Their hearts are such examples to me of kindness.  And if I'm lucky, there's only 6 more lessons to teach in Sunday School. For which I am really grateful.

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