
It's my least favorite holiday.  There's not a single thing I care about it.  Except, maybe, for the chocolate.  But I can have chocolate pretty much any time that I want, so even that's not redeeming enough. 

Loved our Mimi's meal.
Stopped at the grocery this morning.  Was surprised at all the costumes.  And yes, I'm happy for those who like to do it up big for Halloween - no judgement from me, more like a lack on my part of being able to understand.  Just not my thing:  never cared to spend money on a costume, didn't even like trick or treating when I was a kid, don't care for the scary parts and don't even like the color orange. (Yeah, orange is a fall color.  But Halloween comes in the fall, that makes it a Halloween color.)

This last week has been interesting.  I've done a few things, read a few things, eaten out with friends for dinner and lunch (thanks for the Mimi's gift card!), done some walking (narrowly missed getting a picture of the black bunny on the trail). Worked through a decision with The Husband. Spoke in Church (YAY! it's over and I didn't make a complete idiot of myself!!).  Arranged lots of meals, enjoyed my new car - even got the stickers for the license plate so I'm completely official there now (it already has 187 miles on it - in two weeks?!?). Practiced the piano (that's always uplifting for my soul) and spent not-near enough time with The Husband.

We wandered around the mall (letting our Cheesecake Factory dinner - love-love their chicken piccata- settle) and didn't find a single thing that said, "buy me!" for which I'm grateful.  I love being content.

Yup, a teepee in a yard along the trail.
I've been contemplating Christmas gifts and feeling brain dead, though I did come up with a couple ideas for some granddaughters.  Hopefully it will be ok and they'll enjoy it.  Though they all have so much it's a challenge to find something they even remember came from us.

To those (perhaps three of you?) who read this blog, I offer my thanks for reading.  I'm not sure how much longer this will last.  I find less and less to say about things,  less about my thoughts or life that I think would be of any interest.  And less that I think I want to share.  I find as I get older I like to keep things more to myself (though The Husband does get a fair amount of my "venting").

I'm grateful today for so many things.  For the gorgeous fall that we've had.  For feeling pretty good.  For the ability to replace our car.  For my morning walks that so soothe and uplift my soul and for the fact that the vast majority of people I meet out on the trail are kind/nice. I'm grateful for the hope of a better tomorrow.

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