
It does work!
I dislike being sick.  I am really a bad patient.  Actually I think I'm a fairly decent patient:  quiet, non-complaining....for about 48 hours.  Then I'm done feeling punk and start being whiny and teary. Though I try really hard to not be that way.

Spent one full day in bed and couldn't stand it any more.  The next day:  showered, hair done and dressed, still couldn't do a thing but sit and cough.  And cough some more.  Cough-gagged. Coughed till I couldn't catch my breath.  And coughed some more.

Just the beginning of ironing.
A neighbor heard I was sick (through her husband, our tax guy - I wouldn't go with The Husband to get the taxes going because I didn't want to give something to our tax guy because they have a house full of littles) and brought me some Corner Bakery chicken noodle soup, and even included a salad for The Husband.  It was much welcomed, though accompanied with a small dose of guilt.  I just abhor being needy.

Finally last night The Husband ran to Walgreens for some mucinex.  For the first couple hours I thought it wasn't going to help a bit.  But I finally got some heavenly sleep - undisturbed by coughing.  And I feel better.  I still cough, but not near as much. My head isn't as stuffy.  And my high temp of nearly 102 has dropped into the normal range. 

I had plans to run a couple short (really short) errands today depending on how I feel.  Won't be doing that.  A side effect of the mucinex is my need to stay very close to the bathroom. I hope this doesn't last long. :^)

But really, I am so grateful to be feeling even just a tad better.

My ironing pile has grown since I took this picture.  It'll grow even more before I get to it.  Thankfully, it can wait.

I'm so grateful for those who have asked about my health, who seem to care that I'm sick and want me to get better. It's always so heartwarming to know someone loves you.

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