More Thoughts

 Here we are, Monday morning and I already have a few thoughts to add here.

Our walk this morning yielded this quarter.  I think it's odd that with the push for everything to be paid for with a card or an app we are still finding actual money lying around just waiting for us to pick it up.  It's only trivial amounts of money, but still, someone had to drop it for us to find.  It's nice to think there are also other people that prefer to use physical money.  

And I imagine one doesn't often see a drink cup upside down in a shower.  I was halfway through my shower when I discovered a spider.  (The Pestie spray that we've been using has been a huge benefit - this is the first critter I've seen.)  I'm a wuss when it comes to spiders.  I've been brave enough on occasion to kill them (and there's a sister at the storehouse that refuses to kill spiders, always takes them outside, but no, not me) but today I just wasn't going to try to figure out how to get rid of the spider when I was stark naked, topped with hair conditioner and covered in soap.  So I just put the cup over it and it's there waiting for my hero (The Husband) to take care of. 

We were talking in R.S. yesterday about how to invite the Savior into our lives.  We are, after all, trying to become more like Him, working hard to be His disciples.  There were a few "pat" answers, the basics you hear all the time.  But one sister spoke up and I almost felt a mental zing when I heard her say she prays every day to be a forgiving person. Some people have no trouble forgiving.  It is instant and complete.  I struggle with that process, it's more challenging for me than it should be.  Something about the way I came to earth, my growing up years and life's happenings, I don't know.  It's all probably wrapped up and some psychologist would have a field day with me. But whatever, I'm aware that it's something I need to work on.  And what better way to have help in that endeavor than to pray for that.  I figure that's a worthy request.

And I meant to share this article.  Sister Marriott is a great example.  Enjoy?

So grateful for people who speak up just often enough for their words to truly have impact.  A couple of comments yesterday were valuable. Also grateful that prayer is something I can utilize 24/7.  And I often find myself praying whenever my mind needs to - whenever and wherever I am.  Grateful today for another round of fresh strawberries and for cough lozenges.  I'll be even more grateful when this cough is all gone.

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