
We had a snowstorm friday.  We didn't get a chance to get the mums cut down for the winter or all the leaves off the grass.  But The Husband managed to take a short walk with me Saturday morning and we just reveled in the beauty of the freshly fallen snow.  

Pretty Outside
Pretty Outside
Pretty inside

 No matter what I do, I can't seem to get the picture where I want them, not enough text I guess.  And not enough knowledge from the blogger (that would be me).  

We did manage to get a few errands done yesterday.  A couple things we needed.

Sad Farewell.
And the Charger is gone.  It was a tough decision, one that I hope The Husband doesn't / won't regret.  He loved that car for the 12 + years he had it.  It was a good car.  We got a decent offer.  We finally have the check.  We're now a one car family. It'll be interesting - I truly can't remember when we only had one car. I have promised to try to not be frustrated at having to re-set the seat/mirrors when we've switched driving.  

I have lots to repent of,  lots of things in my life that I struggle with and want to be better.  I want to not be impatient, or unkind, or selfish or resentful or envious.  Lots to work on.  I'm grateful that I can repent and strive every day to be a better disciple of Christ.

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