We Made It

 I remember all the talk about how young we were.  And we were young.  And how the odds were against us.  Probably so.  But here we are, today marking our 54th anniversary.  It's really been a blessing.  

Perfect?  Of course not.  We've had our share of ups and downs, struggles and challenges, joys and heart happiness.  And would I do it again?  Absolutely.  To the very same bestie.  

Our new tree
And we did it. We bought a tree.  Headed over to the nursery without much hope or expectation. Ever since we had the blue atlas cedar tree taken out (darn that borer!)  it's been hard.  That big empty spot just grates on us. We've talked non-stop about what to put there.  Almost decided on a large Rose of Sharon.  But kept coming back to another tree.  Had almost decided on a Pacific Sunset Maple (expensive!!) when out of my mouth came the question:  do you have any crimson king maples?  Not sure, he said.  He got on his little walky-talky, then told us our timing was perfect.  There was a bunch of those just delivered from the truck, haven't even been unwrapped.  So over we went, and walked out less than a half hour later having bought a tree. Don't even know for sure what it looks like, hope it's pretty.  Delivery is Monday. Hopefully the next picture of it will be after it's planted (and hopefully happy) in our yard. 

It truly is an act of faith to plant something you might never really enjoy.  It takes a long time to grow a tree.  A long time to see the fruition of planting.  That kind of faith and optimism is surely needed.  By everyone.  Have hope.  

I'm grateful today for 54+ years with The Husband.  I feel very fortunate.  

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