Mid-Week Meanderings Through My Mind

 Got a text from our neighbor/ministering brother yesterday morning.  He's got some pork roast in his smoker.  Would we be interested in some meat for taco Tuesday dinner?  Of course. 😋 Not only did he bring over some super-yummy shredded pork, but also the coleslaw, salsa and corn tortillas.  I added a sliced apple and we had a complete dinner.  There was enough pork leftover for The Husband's lunch today.  Now, I'm often feeling forgotten and unimportant in the world.  But every once-in-a-rare-while some experience comes along that is so totally unexpected it kind of throws me.  We don't really ever expect anyone to be so generous and kind to us.  It was a lovely dinner that tasted probably w-a-y better simply because it was a gift.

Ran to Utah County today to finally take our tax papers to our CPA.  It takes these financial institutions lots longer than I think it ought to, to get the required information to us. But then, obviously, I'm not in charge.  (Probably a good thing.)

Sometimes it seems like perhaps a good idea to quit reading the news.  Sometimes, though, an article pops up that piques my interest.  I liked this one: Aristotles Virtues / Happiness  I agree with a lot of those virtues.

Told The Husband today sometimes I just want to stop with the "being responsible".  I want to just eat what I want, whenever I want; to just play the day away; to spend wantonly without regard to cost or what it would mean for our future finances; to just - I guess- be selfish.  Being responsible can be taxing.  Not sure I like that label or the burden it brings.  So, did we stop for that gelato that was calling to me as we drove past?  Nope.  Was responsible.  Darn-it.

I'm grateful that today we've got a good ethical person doing our taxes.  (Fingers crossed we won't have to pay.)  Grateful for the completion of a small project.  And grateful for another one just waiting for me to begin.  I hope for the ability to continue to take care of all that needs taking care of - that I'll be up to the responsibilities that are mine, in spite of my fears and inadequacies. Perhaps someday I'll manage to conquer at least a few of those faults.  

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