I never will tire of sunrises. |
It's been a fairly busy few days. Included: Women's Conference (fabulous), dinner and a movie (strange movie but I'm so glad I saw it) with friends (fantastic), a stress-prompted nap on Sunday afternoon (rejuvenating), texted pictures of our newest grandson (absolutely delightful), Fast and Testimony meeting (heart pounding), and finally this morning a walk on the trail (deer-spotting and lilac smelling).
This will not be my week! |
This week will include: planting some peas in the newly prepared (lots of the Husband's hard work there) garden beds, taking care of the tomato starts until it's warm enough to plant them, lunch out with some friends, planning for next Sunday School class, grocery-ing, laundry-ing, celebrating the 16th birthday of the grandson and more that's too mundane to include.
Should be yummy! |
Along with all that greatness will undoubtedly come some frustration and anxiety. My hope is for that part of the week to be teensy-tiny.
I'm grateful for the world's beauty. For people who chat with me at church like I'm someone important, for trees that bloom (my Hawthorne is looking lovelier by the day) and for a bestest friend who dispenses hugs with alacrity and sincere intent. I'm grateful Heavenly Father invented hugs.
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