Another Sunday

I so love when Sacrament meeting is the best meeting of the week.  In spite of the fact that I was trembling at the organ, it was a great meeting.  Those speaking were articulate and sincere and engaging.  It was a pleasure to be there.

Things kind of went slightly downhill from there.  I'm dizzy again.  I think I need to re-visit that "Epley maneuver" I was taught by the ENT and see if I can't get control.  The way I was listing as I walked makes me think it's the right ear this time.  It makes me so unsteady and fuzzy headed, I dislike it.

After a rainy morning, we headed out to check the garden.  I've been examining the surface anxiously for a couple days - knowing full well that it is w-a-y too early to be seeing corn or pea or carrot sprouts.  But it apparently it isn't too early for spinach!  Yay!  I didn't totally do things wrong when I sowed those teensy seeds.  We might have a fresh spinach salad one of these days.

These funny lovely purple flowers are a treat.  We got a few of them last year and planted them in hopes of pretty blooms over the summer.  I can't even recall what they are - the identifying tag is long gone.  Imagine our delight when we saw fresh growth and seemingly overnight these pretty little flowers.  I so love that Heavenly Father blessed our world with flowers.
Pretty volunteers from last year's failure.

Ran into a friend in the hall between Sunday School and Relief Society.  I think she was heading out. She's one of those people that feels like it's a privilege to know.  I reached over for a hug and next thing I knew she was hanging on tight and sobbing into my shoulder.  She wasn't interested in sharing what was troubling her, so we moved on to talk about books.  How grateful I was that I happened to be there for a hug.  I doubt that I helped her any, but it surely was balm to my soul to share a tender moment with her.

Once the tears started they continued to come.  I got teary at the home teacher's message (as I did when I first heard Elder Snow's talk this last conference which the home teacher referenced).  I got teary talking to our daughter.  I got teary hearing about a ward member's heart-touching experience.  I've bounced from uplifted to discouraged and every range of emotion in between.  Sometimes I just wish I could make it all better.  Of course, I understand that's "Plan B" not the Savior's plan.  But I often wish I could sprout fairy wings and flit along with my wand filled with kindness dust and sprinkle it on all those who could use an extra dose - either to receive or give, wouldn't matter.

I think I'll work on that.  At least the kindness part.  Sprouting wings and brandishing a wand might be more problematic.

I'm grateful for a weekend that included some one-on-one time with The Husband.  For the knowledge of the plan that helps me to allow others their agency even when it conflicts with my desires.  (Again - implementation of this is one area where I need to grow.)  I'm grateful for those who contribute in our Sunday School class to help make it a meaningful experience for everyone. And I hope for the ability to be more kind.

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