First roses of the season. |
It just seems like there's always so much to take care of. And it all has to be done in a certain amount of time and in a "just so" manner. We're not totally picky, just kinda particular that things be done right.
Love the color of the egg. |
And underneath all those extras (Charger fixed, cottonwood trees trimmed, garage doors, wiring done, tomato plant supports, garden watering system, piano moved, walls painted, stucco attended to, cement and other long-range plans) we've got the pressure of the usual stuff - house maintenance, grocery shopping, meal preparation, church callings, home and visiting teaching. Makes a body want to head to the beach for the duration.
And we'll do what we must, attend to what we can and cope with the rest. Life is never boring!
One of my favorite pens. |
Was on my walk this morning when I received word that The Husband was leaving the Charger for repairs. He'd like a ride, pretty please. Not wanting to inconvenience him in the least, I hustled (jog-walked) home as fast as I could. I dislike when people have to wait on me. Now I'm hunting for the ibroprofen, my silly ankle/foot has never felt 100% since last summer. I think I've gone a bit backwards.
Great words! |
On my walk this morning I spied this little partial bird's eggshell. I hope it means the birdie is doing fine on it's own and not that some marauder has come along.
The text is from the back page of Saturday's Church news. I thoroughly enjoyed the article. It's a challenge to get through this life and do it in the way Heavenly Father hopes for us. I never want to disappoint Him.
And I am grateful for so much. Even when things get a bit crazy. Maybe I should also be grateful for the craziness? And how it helps me recognize the balance? Yeah. I'll think on that.
I'm grateful for thoughtful gifts of pens that I love and have a hard time finding. I'm grateful for an unexpected breakfast out. For smoothie lunches and for texts from kind people.
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