All planted! |
And it turned out just fine.
Saturday we planted the veggie gardens and bought annuals for the front flower beds (interesting that we call them gardens and beds as a way to differentiate) between storms. We happened to pick the very best times of the day to work outside.
Lost. |
The storms were something else. I haven't ever seen hail like there here in Draper before. A block or two away from our house it came down so hard the streets looked like it had snowed - the slush was deep and covered the road, made it slippery. There was so much water so fast that it blew a manhole cover in the air and geysered water for a bit. (And yes, we lost a tomato plant.)
How is it possible to lose things? The dryer did not eat this sock - that pair was a favorite of mine!
And how did I lose the good peeler? I'm reduced to this ancient one that I don't like so well. I swear it never left the kitchen - but disappeared into thin air. Tis a puzzle.
Great gift! |
I had visits from the local kids and texts from the faraway ones for Mother's Day. The Husband gave me a great gift - cookies and flowers that don't die in a day or two. He took care of dinner (I love his rib fixings!) and in general made me feel treasured the entire day. (Which really isn't any different from any other day, I love it!) I got to love on the newest grandson as much as I wanted, though toting around this 20+ pound 7 month old is a bit of a challenge to my back. He smiled and cuddled and was delightful.
Love these iris. |
I'm grateful for my sunrise walk that took me past the irises. I love those flowers. I'm grateful for kind people. For one of our former YSA who made a special point of introducing me to her fiance so I could share in her joy. I'm grateful for the tomatoes we'll have in a couple months. For my rain slicker. And for great hugs.
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