• Made a couple trips to Lehi for the materials for the tomato supports (affectionately called the tomato pergola). The Husband has dug 6 holes, filled the holes with the posts, assembled all the pieces/parts and strung up the tomatoes. Quite an effort. It looks grand. (I'll get a picture on here soon - The Husband is having his much deserved / much longed for Sunday afternoon nap and I refuse to disturb him by coming and going to take a picture.)
• Done some other routine maintenance around here.
• Played the prelude and postlude for a funeral - almost last minute. I was grateful to be able to help, even though it meant squeezing in a couple hours of piano practice time. I think it went ok, they seemed fine with what I did.
• Birthday dinner out with some friends. We so enjoy them. Then stopped on the way home at a wedding reception we'd both been invited to. It was fun to see people from our former ward that we haven't seen in 7 months since the ward was split and we were cast out. :)

• We've peeked often at the robin-lets. We recently discovered there were three eggs in the nest not two. The Husband managed to snag this shot of their cute little beaks hoping for food.
• Were favored with a visit from our son and daughter-in-law along with the munchkin. He's crawling fast and pulling himself up to a standing position. All done with the sweetest of smiles. I love how he cuddles.
• Renewed our season tickets for 2017 for Hale Theater. It's a bite financially. It's also one of the very few things we do just for fun. I'm looking forward to next year when the new building opens and it's 1) closer and 2) more comfortable. It'll be so great.
I'm so grateful for a couple that are friends of the both of us. I hope for their friendship for a long time. I'm so grateful this day for my favorite Dad - the father of our children. He has sacrificed much for our benefit over the years. His endless focus on our welfare is a priceless gift. His testimony of the gospel a blessing beyond compare. His work ethic an enviable example. It was fun to help celebrate his birthday, though I'm already planning to do a much better job of it next year. I'm grateful for the strength to get us through busy times. And I'm grateful for fresh watermelon.
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