Day After The Fourth

Best ice cream is free!
And I am grateful for our country.  I'm glad we live here.

I think I'm taking too many pictures.  I'll share a few, though I took more than I'll share.  It feels like I want to capture so many images and sear them on my brain so I won't forget the things that make me smile, cause me to think, and bring me joy.

I particularly wanted to remember the ice cream cone.  The young lady helping us was so personable and gracious.  She gave us that cone for free, agreeing that (in her words) "it was a disgrace" that they only had vanilla cones.  Since they disappointed us by only having vanilla, it was complimentary. Another reason - besides the fact that I am obsessed, besotted and craving their milkshakes, my very favorite ones ever - to give that business our patronage.  We have always thus far had superior service.  Makes me want to go back.

The fruit trees along the trail continue to delight me.  Our garden continues to teach us (that's a teensy tomatoe-let on one of our bushes, one of several we counted).  And the morning continues to entreat me to enjoy the day.

Treated myself this morning to some time at the library.  Came home with a free book from the Summer Reading Program (I've been doing those since I was a little girl, how much fun I've had!) And a whole pile of books I hope to be able to read before they're all due. I'll certainly enjoy trying.

Came across this little list of 9 things to do to be happy.  And I think I'm stuck on #1!  But it'll be a good reminder to think before I speak and not to complain about a thing, but to be blessing-aware.

And I'm grateful today for the weekend with The Husband.  I needed that time with him.  I needed some relief from the pressures that have been a bit bothersome.  I needed that extra day (holiday) yesterday with him. I'm grateful that he's such a handy guy and fixes pretty much...everything! I'm grateful for a washer and dryer that are still functioning even though they are doing some audible complaining.  I'll keep them as long as the clothes come out clean!  I'm grateful for air conditioned cars, for ceiling fans and for friends who drop by with treats.

And I'm grateful for those who say thank you - and mean it.

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