Another Picture-free Thought

I've been working hard to accompany a young sister (she's a teen, friend of a family in our ward) who is singing on Sunday for a missionary homecoming.  I have been sweating it. The song wasn't decided for quite a long time and it wasn't until this last Thursday that I received the music.  Only 9 days to learn and polish something for Sacrament meeting.

That's always a struggle for me.  I'd like to think I wouldn't be so inconsiderate of others. But whatever.  I finally got the music.  And the struggle continued.  I don't consider this song appropriate for Sacrament meeting.  It's got quite a "rock" beat to it.  And refers to the Savior as you instead of any respectful names.  It just rubs me wrong.  But whatever, it isn't my choice.  I just always try to say yes and do my best.  I've often been heard to say that whatever I do in service or in an effort to bring music into a meeting to bring the Spirit, that it's an offering of mine.  I've decided that this is their personal offering and I should respect that difference in perspective of what's truly appropriate or not.  I do think the motives are good.

Last night we were supposed to go over to the church to practice.  Monday night.  Helen gave me her church key (which has previously opened the building without hiccup).  At the door, the light blinks a quick green then goes red and there's no corresponding click of the lock opening.  Trying to find a leadership key to the building was unsuccessful.

So, I called our friend.  (He's one of the people who checks the church building each night to make sure everyone is out, the lights are off and it's all locked up.) He listened and without hesitation said he'd be right over.  And within five minutes he was there, used his key and we were in the building.  

My heart was so touched that without even a question, he dropped everything and came to our rescue.  How grateful I am.  

Didn't sleep much last night.  The lights were too bright - I'm admitting my age, but just don't understand the thinking to start a ball game at 10:20 p.m.  But, whatever, they want to do what they want to do. The parent's response was flippant, uninterested and (IMO) condescending.  Anyway, by the time it was all resolved, my sleep window was long closed. For several hours I tossed and turned.  Ended up on the couch at about 2 a.m.  Even that didn't help this time.  Finally back in bed at 4.  A couple hours sleep isn't quite enough to keep me from being grumpy today.  I dislike feeling this way. 

And here it is noon and I've yet to accomplish a single thing.  I'm grateful that there's beautiful music out there.  I enjoyed the "cool down" at exercise class yesterday:  string quartet, calming and lovely.  And grateful every time I use the principle of repentance that it is something I can do to help me.  It seems like I'm repenting more than I'm succeeding at something.  But I will not give up-give in.  Hopefully I'm making progress, regardless of how small.

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