I'm one of those that feels like I don't belong. Our particular area is saturated with powerful, prestigious, wealthy and very self-confident people. I am really none of those.
I'm the one they're talking about when they say: Oh ask her, they never go anywhere (what I hear: they're too poor to go anywhere), they're here every week (I hear: they're boring). They always say yes (I hear: that I need to learn that no is a complete sentence and sometimes vital for my personal well-being). They will do what they say they will (I hear: other people are more important with more important things to do). It has happened more than a few times, hearing those things. And having to pick up the pieces of the task that someone else committed to and then changed their mind - even at the very last minute. Yup, it happens a lot. So I generally feel unwelcome ( especially in the cliques that abound at church) invisible (except when no one else will do whatever it is that they need) and too old to have anything valuable to contribute.
So I welcomed this article. It's easy to forget, especially in this area, that God created every single one of us. We were created to be different in every aspect. In essence to be individuals. Not to be exactly like everyone else without an original thought in our head. We can't grow and learn if we are all the same. And while I might wish to be more attractive, or more slender, with better hair and skin - those are all the things that are surface and in my lowly opinion, not the things our Creator cares about so much.
It was lovely to read that it's ok to be different. That we are needed to be different. In my head, I've always known those things. Interacting with the "elite" at church creates havoc in my emotions. I like that every once in a while I read something that clicks in my head with a reminder of what is really important. A reminder that I am - to our Heavenly Father - just as valuable and cared for as the others.
It's worth a re-read, so I'll put the link on here so I can go back and remember what is important to remember.
We Don't Have To "Fit The Mold"
I think it might be fun to meet this writer in person, she sounds delightful.
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