Monday Morning

pretty sunflowers

 Had a nice enough weekend.  The symphony on Friday night (our big luxury splurge) was very fun - I knew The Husband was going to love it and he did.  There Cirque Cinema (just means the symphony plays in the background while you watch circus type acts) Troupe Vertigo.  It was truly entertaining and I actually liked it much better than Cirque du Soleil that we've seen there in the past.  But, I walked a lot that day.

The storehouse on Saturday was kind of busy - not super busy but busy enough that by the end of our four hour shift I could barely walk.  Did several "icing" sessions through rest of the day, through Sunday and then some more (but probably not enough) today.  I'm on my feet w-a-y too much.  The inserts the dr. instructed me to wear pretty much make me feel crippled.  

The maple tree was delivered first thing this morning.  The Husband went right to work.  Our new tree is currently sitting in the backyard.  The roots from the cedar that was previously in that spot are too big and too strong to plant the new tree there.  After a bit of "consultation" with a friend's husband who is in the landscaping business, I think we're going to have to re-think things.  Those rocks have always surrounded the tree, and given a bit of definition to the slope of the yard.  They're probably going

icing my feet

to have to go, if we can only find someone to come haul them off and not charge us an arm and a leg.  The maple won't be able to be planted right where we wanted it for the most shade on the garage.  I guess that's something we'll have to live with.  And really, a couple old people like us planting a "young-ish" tree?  Not sure if that's just dumb or totally optimistic.  I hope we live long enough to be able to enjoy the benefits of that shade tree.

And I just had to take a picture of the wild sunflowers lining the trail near our house.  We have a bunch behind our house, also.  But not this profusion of them.  The yellow makes me happy.

And I read this quote somewhere - not sure where.  But I resemble that.  "I'm so jealous of people who know how to shut up, I shut up and subtitles come out of my face."  I wish I knew who to attribute that to.

Our new maple tree.

So, it's not even two p.m. and we've:  worked on the tree issue, done all the laundry (washed, dried, folded and put away), vacuumed the entire house (at least the floor that we live on), practiced the hymns for this coming Sunday, taken care of a few bills, sorted through the snail-mail and now I'm getting through the email.  We've plans for dinner with friends (spending the generous gift card I received from them for my birthday) and then tomorrow it'll be another busy day.  I hope my feet will stand up to it all (see what I did there?)

I'm so grateful for a new tree and hope we'll be able to figure out how to plant it.  So grateful for ice packs in the freezer for my feet.  Grateful for books waiting for me to open them and enjoy.  Grateful for running into a neighbor on our walk this morning that treated us like we were the most important people around.  Grateful for prayer.  I surely do need the help from our Heavenly Father.

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