Last Week...

...was almost too busy.  We had something every single day/ night.  One night we even just skipped the event (a wedding reception where we only know one set of parents - not the bride or groom or anyone else) and sent a gift card instead.  It was a much needed night at home.  

We had our postponed Hale tickets - they did, as usual, a fabulous production of Beauty and The Beast- as well as a visit to a sister I minister to, The Husband's regular lunch with the old guys, and our Christmas concert downtown at Abravanel Hall.  (As a side note:  O Holy Night should never be done "jazz" style.  It was completely absent of any spiritual feeling.  And was the only religious song of the evening.  I admit to a bit of disappointment.  I kept thinking of all the people in the nearby  Conference Center being spiritually and musically and visually fed.  And I wasn't.  The music was ok, just not up to my expectations.  Yes, I know, I need to lower those expectations.)

To say that downtown Salt Lake City was crazy busy would be an understatement.  We planned ahead and took Trax which for once was a good choice, even though we ended up paying full fare rather than senior rates.  This was the first Christmas since the temple closed for renovation that Temple Square had lights - as much as they could.  And it was lovely.  What is it about the Christmas lights in the dark of night that feels so magical? 

The Bishop's storehouse on Saturday was as busy as expected.  By noon-thirty we'd done 100 food orders.  By the end of the day the storehouse had run out of several staples.  I am impressed every year by the sweet Bishops who come to pick up food for Christmas dinner for those under their stewardship.  💝 

All in all it was a bit of a rough week for me and an even rougher weekend.  I remind myself that we signed up for the storehouse.  That includes everything there, even adults who should know better than to be unkind/bossy/cliquey.  I also remind myself that I'm not there for them.  I'm there to serve Heavenly Father and those children of His who are in need.  (I will go next week and the weeks after with a renewed determination to just ignore the "drama" and do my best to serve our Father - that's the most important thing.) 

The Christmas program at church yesterday was nicely done, in spite of the feeling that it was a certain family's (and their close friends) production.  None of those programs are perfect and of course the result is the perspective and personality of the one putting together the program.   Looking back over the years I am a bit surprised at how many Christmases found me spending hours practicing the piano and doing my best to bring the Spirit.  Now that I'm old, and there's fresh (and better educated /more talented) members to do the accompanying, it's a different - sort of odd - feeling to be totally uninvolved.  I've begun to wonder if the calling of ward organist is now pretty much relegated to the old people.  I am firmly in that category.  

I read this article this morning - and I agree that we need to act now to be ready for when Jesus does come again.  Max Lucado / Ready for Christ

I'm beginning this new week with a resolve to avoid negativity (an almost daily resolve lately), to try to not be overwhelmed or stressed but calm in the face of those who cause pain.  I want this to be a week of peace, not only in our home, but also in my heart.  I'm grateful to look forward to Christmas day with hope that it will be a day for introspection at how blessed we are for the gift of the Savior. 

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