Foot, Shoes, Class

Love these new shoes.
So, I think I mentioned that I finally succumbed and ordered a new pair of shoes.  For walking.  Yes, I realize all shoes are meant for walking, but this particular pair is specifically for our morning walks/exercise walks/mental health walks.  Not everyday ordinary walking, but walking for purpose.  After 7 stops in 5 different states the shoes finally arrived here (sheesh that was a journey).  I love the color.  White:  not good for me.  Mint green:  also not good.  Altra labels these purple.  Just the right color for me.  Sunday afternoon, after church and all the goings on, we went for a bit of a stroll (try to be a bit more reverent on our Sunday activities) to give them a go.  Spent the whole time just marveling at how good they feel on my feet.

My silly foot continues to be a low-level annoyance.  Sometimes it is pain free.  But then it will ache or I can't walk on it.  No idea what is the cause.  A friend suggested that I should probably have surgery.  My whole goal is to avoid surgery.  Anyway, I've not been to exercise class at the local county rec center since September, because I didn't want to exacerbate the injury.  (I've decided that foot will be a chronic problem for the foreseeable future, maybe forever.) Finally decided that if I don't give it a try, I'll never know.  Much easier to just stay away.  It takes determination to do the hard stuff.  Harder to go back after a lengthy absence in lots of situations. 

So, off I went this morning.  Nervously.  Not sure how I would do.  One of the benefits of going there to that class is the casual nature of it - come or not, come late or leave early, no attendance taken, it's entirely up to the individual.  Just try, I told myself.  If your foot hurts too much, just leave.  

I had totally forgotten how much I enjoyed the class, chose Wednesday specifically because I so enjoy that particular teacher.  Had forgotten how good it felt to move this achy old body in different ways.  Perhaps, was the thinking, if I'm sore tomorrow, it will be worth it.  Surprisingly I did great.  Thoroughly enjoyed the class, came away feeling invigorated.   So good to be back, didn't have any trouble keeping up - yay for me.

Saw these beautiful orchids at the grocery the other day.  Don't recall ever seeing ones just like that before, I love those little faces, so reminiscent of pansies.

It's spring out again today.  A cooler spring day but one full of sunshine which lifts our spirits more than we often realize.  Next week will be stormy again, but for today, it's lovely.  I checked on the most recently planted tree in the front yard.  There's tiny little buds on the ends of the branches. Looking forward to see the pretty leaves in the spring, counting on it having weathered its first winter in its new home.  

I've finished book 2 (again) of Emma M. Lion.  I adore the author's sense of humor, the fun Emma and the rest of the characters.  I wish I could sit down with a few of them and have a chat.  The best books are the ones that bring a sense of sorrow when the last page is turned. These are definitely that. How lovely to have my own personal set to re-read whenever the fancy strikes me.

My little personal project has been a frustration.  Last night was an undo-redo (at least 3 times) session.  Hope is strong that the issues are finally conquered, we'll see as I head in to spend a bit of time on it. 

We've completed, with relief, our new wills/trusts.  We've talked and finally mentally decided on a fall trip to a different-than-usual beach.  I'll call next week to see if we can get a reservation.  We've a play tomorrow night at Hale. I've a fresh book from the library to read, another one waiting to be checked out.  And for the moment things seem manageable.  Prayers continue for those we love.  

I'm grateful today mostly for the sunshine.  For being not only able to handle exercise class, but to thoroughly enjoy it.  I'm grateful for things to read (scriptures, good religious articles in magazines and online) that uplift my soul and help me as I strive to be a follower of Christ. 

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