Sunday Afternoon

9:00 a.m. church that's over at 11:00 makes for long Sunday afternoons.  Today has felt a little better. 

I admit:  church is hard.  The ward is peopled with imperfect/flawed humans (including and perhaps especially me).  Today was a tough one.  In spite of those emotions, I feel certain church is where our Creator wants me to be - to take the Sacrament, renew those baptismal covenants and cause re-commitment to try to be a better person, to know our Savior better, to let His Atonement cover all. I wish I didn't feel like such a failure at life.

Thursday afternoon we had crazy weather.  Started about noon and we had blizzarding - dense snow coming down sideways all afternoon and into the evening.  Although the temps never went low or stayed low, once the darkness arrived it turned to rain and rained hard all night and off and on the next day. We so need the moisture.  I'm ever grateful for our good roof. And my rain slicker.

I received a valentine!  😊 The sister who ministers to me dropped off this little container, complete with candy, a Book Of Mormon and a sweet note.  Again, grateful for kindness.  Then, today, we had to run some music over to a friend and came home to find these fun valentine mints had been left for us.  Yay for valentines for me/us.

Friday night we took Trax downtown to our symphony concert.  Bravo Broadway - one of my favorites that they do.  We had stellar performers and I was absolutely entranced the whole night.  There were only a couple songs I didn't really know, it was a perfectly lovely evening.  When we came out of the

concert it was raining heavily, I sprinted across the street and then mentally cursed my behavior.  My foot was not happy.  Again.  I still wonder if it will ever completely heal.  After our shift at the Bishop's storehouse yesterday it is feeling better than expected so likely no permanent damage from my mad-dash through the rain.  A useless mad-dash since we missed the train and had to wait for the next one. 

I'm grateful today for good books to read, I've spent some time this afternoon finishing a good one.  I'm grateful for hope that this will be a better week.  Not that last week was bad, but it did have its moments - some that I'm not proud of.  I'm grateful for a quick walk in the stiff wind (stiff breeze sounds better but stiff wind is w-a-y more accurate) that I managed without undue foot issues.  I'm grateful for people who are kind.  Ran into our 94 year old friend on our way out of the church today and her sweetness lifted my spirits. 

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