2010 / 2011

I was reading a friend's blog that listed a few of her accomplishments for 2010. I always get a mite melancholy at the beginning of a new year when I think about the year just finished. And I wondered, as I always do (and when I go to a funeral) what could be said about my accomplishments (or even if I had any). Although I will say one of my favorite things about 2010 was the trophy I was awarded on my birthday; for me a truly once in a lifetime occurrence that I loved.

And instead of listing all of my accomplishments, I tend to think of the things I didn't do:

1. I didn't fall and break any bones this year.

2. I didn't gain any more weight. (Even through the holidays - YAY!!)

3. I didn't give up on myself even though others might seem to have.

4. I didn't close out my account on Facebook, tempted though I was.

5. I didn't speak every thought that crossed my mind, didn't voice the snarky things, didn't argue every time I felt like it.

6. I didn't feel guilty for not reading every book for book group - didn't even feel guilty when I didn't feel like going.

7. I didn't collect enough purses, sweaters or shoes.

8. I didn't eat out enough.

9. I didn't get enough beach time.

10. Didn't sing enough songs in my heart.

Therefore, for 2011 my plans are as follows:

1. Eat more gelato, chocolate frosted chocolate doughnuts, Jamba Juices and Cafe Rio tamales.

2. Ride my bike for fun and not competition. (I dislike feeling inferior when I lose.)

3. Continue to eliminate guilt and look for more fun.

4. Get more beach time.

5. Collect more purses, sweaters and shoes. (Maybe even a few more sparklies.)

6. Give and receive more hugs.

7. Voice a few more cheerful thoughts.

8. Eat out more.

9. Clean out more stuff, donate more to D. I. (except for those purses, sweaters and shoes.)


10. Maybe, just maybe, do a little more dusting while I'm singing more songs in my heart.

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