
I've been thinking about angels lately. I believe in Angels. I see them around me all the time: those people who care for one another with no regard for their own welfare, those who go out of their way to build others up, and those who do countless unseen, unheralded acts of kindness for others, often people they do not know.

I'm still thinking about an elderly couple I saw last week. They had with them another adult, presumably their son, who is profoundly physically challenged, in a wheelchair. I watched the mother feed him with a spoon and wipe his mouth with a cloth. People who have most likely been retired for some time, who perhaps might wish to be out traversing the country in their motorhome, or heading south to warmer climes for the winter, or vacationing in some exotic location. And who knows, maybe they do get to do those things.

Still....watching them care for their son....makes me think yet again of Angels. I'm grateful for Angels. I know some Angels.

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