
Ok, I've been known to state the opinion that lists are not great literature. However this forum has never purported (by me at least) to be great literature - mostly it's just a place for me to put my thoughts out there. I never expect anything back, just like to be able to say what I think.

Today I wanted to list some things that make my heart sing, my step lighter, and my life enriched. It is by no means a comprehensive list and aside from the first item, are in no particular order. Just felt like making a list of goodness.

1. My Love - thanks for finding me, please don't ever leave without me. (You'll always be first!) Our kids and grandchilluns.

2. Flowers

3. Books - I love words in lots of forms and enjoy the way they make me think and feel.

4. A friend. A true friend.

5. Warm towels when I'm fresh out of the shower. Also, a pre-warmed bed when I crawl in at night.

6. Vacations - when there's enough money and time to really enjoy it.

7. Great shoes. New, old, cute, unexpected. I love great shoes.

8. A good haircut. Can change my whole perspective on just about everything.

9. A fabulous purse.

10. Fun pens and papers / notecards.

11. Hugs - from friends, neighbors, adults-in-the-making (but NOT strangers.)

12. A food that I'm craving. (Right now I'd like a chocolate frosted chocolate doughnut. Haven't had one in ages and I'm s-o-o ready.)

13. A bike to ride.

14. A destination for that bike ride.

15. A little pocket money to save or squander on a whim.

And I think that might be a good number to stop on today. I might re-visit this topic again in the future. One thing this list does, is remind me to be grateful. A good exercise for any day.

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