Competition And My Wish

So, went to a competition today. Makes me think yet again, about winners and losers.

I've never made any secret of the fact that I'm not big on competition things. Some people were born competitive. That's fine. I wasn't. That's fine, too. The reason I'm not big on competitions is that there's always a loser. And often it's painful. (And yes, I have experience.)

Some people thrive on the push to do better and better. While others do their very best, and it doesn't seem to be good enough, because there's always someone better.

And I think, that whoever goes out there and does their best, and keeps at it until they have satisfied their own particular goal is the winner. Doesn't matter a whit if they win something (medal, trophy, participation award -that uncomfortable nod to political correctness) or not. What matters is if they managed to accomplish what they intended.

I seriously don't like people setting themselves up as judges. Too often those judging have flawed parameters. And too often the "winners" seem to be to loudly prideful about their successes, thereby demeaning those who didn't "place" as high. And also, too often, there is only enough room for one winner.

In the game of life, I submit we can all be winners, there's enough room for us all to succeed: as compassionate, kind, accepting human beings. Who leave the judging to the Higher Power. Who don't profess to have all the answers but are continually trying to better themselves (and only themselves, not molding others to fit), who extend the hand of welcome friendship to all.

In my scripture reading the other day, I came across a notation of mine in the margin: it doesn't matter your station in life, or who you are, you are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. And the Savior treated all as loved ones.

And that would be my wish for today. For me. And for all. To model our life after He who was and always should be our example.

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