Post Vacation Wrap Up and Too Many Pictures (In no particular order, I haven't the skills to make it look nice)

 We had a great time.  It will probably always be our very favorite beach, and we've some great memories of our times there.  It's been about 4 years since we've been there.  Since then there was COVID, several really big storms, and lots of changes.  Some of our favorite eateries are gone or changed too much to enjoy.

The reason it's called Sunset Beach
This year was very different for us - we kept busy and left the house for the mainland at least once a day.  We rode a boat tour to see the dolphins (the pilot cheated and found a shrimp boat where there are always dolphins swimming around, but it was still very fun, we both came away soaked to the skin), walked through a beachside forest state park (the mosquitoes weren't quite so fun), drove an hour so we could take a car ferry over to an old fort, ate at an open air restaurant (up two flights of stairs, overlooking the intracoastal waterway, just beautiful), walked on the beach - over and over - and ate more than our fill of shrimp. 

Low tide, far end of island

We had ice cream three times over the week, enjoyed some fabulous southern bbq (twice), tried Maryland style crab cakes for the first time (and it won't be the last by a long shot), and again - more shrimp and hushpuppies than we probably should have.  Everything in the south is deep-fried, which I grow tired of really quick.  All that grease/oil (stomach rumbles).  Tried some fabulous fish stew.  And we drove a lot. 

The huge storms that had been through seemed to have pulverized all the shells.  I came home with only a few, and none of them big ones. 

We had a very tight connection coming home.  I was worried.  The pilot we chatted with as he got on the plane at the same time as us, told us not to worry, leave the worrying to him.  We arrived 20 minutes early, but because we were early, took the ground crew by surprise and waited for them to open the plane door for 15 minutes.  Still, though, we made our connection.  Our bags did too, thanks to the rapid transfer tags the woman checking them in had thoughtfully applied.  Not only that, the flight attendant was handing out cards with the gate of the connecting flight to most of the passengers, saving valuable time (and worry).  Delta really came through for us on this trip.

Today I've done 7 loads of laundry (folded and put away all that was dry), vacuumed the main floor (The Husband very kindly did the stairs which is for me the worst job around the house). Got caught up on bills, and mail (also renewed the license on the subaru) and have been to the dr.  (tests to be done).

We spent some time at the park with our daughter and son-in-law, and our granddaughter and her family.  Met our newest (the third) great-grandchild.  He's a very sweet and calm baby - 6 weeks old.  Came home to a "heart attack" on our garage door.  That's kinda been a thing around here, but of course, it's only for the elite so we've never had that happen to us.  It really did touch my heart.  And I'm leaving the little hearts up on the garage door even though it's raining like crazy.

Came home to six library books that I had on hold - they all came in at once while we were gone.  Then today two more arrived.  I better finish here so I can get some good reading time in. 

So very grateful for the luxury of a vacation.  We've not had near enough of those but every one has been so valued.  Grateful for my own bed to sleep in and a washer and dryer that do their job without (so far) complaint.  Grateful for The Husband's forgiveness to me for all the times I'm truly a brat.  Grateful for a stack of books to read, even if that stack comes with some time pressure.  And grateful for family - that makes it a point to visit / text / give hugs and take care of things while we are gone.  My heart feels good today. 

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