Getting Stuff Done

I'm currently sitting here with some shorts (horror!!) on and bare feet.  That's such a rarity for me that I frankly can't remember when that happened.  I do know this is the first time I've had shorts on this year.  That's how hot I'm feeling.  Went for a walk this morning, later went to class at the rec center, in between times, I've done loads of laundry vacuumed the entire main floor of the house, fixed lunch (breakfast for me) for The Husband and folded the clean clothes before putting them in their places.  It takes me an average of 35 minutes to finish the vacuuming, and I haven't even done the stairs.   All that work and I'm exhausted.  

Class at the rec center is fun.  I like seeing people I don't see daily, who always greet me with a smile and often a hug.  The class is actually more fun than I expected:  I get going and before I know it, it's time to start the cool down.  It's kind of an aerobic class with weights/stretch bands/sliding discs and lots of fun music.  I understand what the teacher is saying maybe only 20% of the time. But no matter, I enjoy going.  And frankly, I'm pretty certain it is helping my shoulder, it hurts less than it did before I started this class.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll manage to get back to yoga with my favorite teacher one of these days.

This year we've given away more tomatoes than we've eaten.  Which is great.  But I think even The Husband is finally a bit tired of all the work.  Found him working out in the garden and asked if he had cut the supports for the plants.  Nope, they're so big and so heavy that nearly every single plant had broken the support and ended all in a pile on the ground.  Made it tricky to find the ripe tomatoes.  Ultimately, he decided that meant the season was over.  The plants are all out on the ground to dry out - so we'll be able to fit them in the garbage bin.   And the garden is ready to clean out.  That's a task for another day.  The sprinklers for the gardens have been turned off and yes, it feels like it should be fall to me.

Next year?  Fewer tomato plants.  I've often felt overwhelmed with how much produce is on my kitchen counter, even after we've given so much away.  I know in a few months I'll be complaining about the quality and taste of the winter tomatoes.  The Husband is a great gardener:  his plants were all happy and producing.

Went into the break room at the storehouse on Saturday to see these very cute little vases someone had made.  Just had to take pics of them.  There's another of all yellow No. 2 pencils.  But I've had such trouble getting them to fit in and look decent with the text without lots of empty white space that I finally just deleted it.  That happens when I'm trying to fit too many picture in here.

Last week the climbing roses were pruned.  The Husband found this cute little nest.  Wonder what bird left it.  The front of the house looks so much tidier after the pruning.  Every year I say I'm going to stay on top of the fertilizing of the roses, they've always been mine to look after.  This year, I didn't fertilize them once.   And couldn't even find the ooomph to care. I'm definitely getting old.

The mums out front are covered in buds.  I suspect we'll miss them blooming again this year. Sigh.

Received a very generous gift card for my birthday so after the storehouse on Saturday off we went to try a new place to eat:  Moochies for a Philly cheesesteak sandwich.  So fabulous!  After washing my hands (a necessity after eating my sandwich) I mentioned that I thought more eateries ought to have a sink, like this place does, near the trash for hand washing.  

And now, I'm off to find a comfy chair for my aching back. I'm grateful to have a comfy chair (or several from which I can choose).  I'm grateful to see perhaps, maybe, some minute improvement of the cold sore that sprang overnight last week.  I've hated it.  It's ugly and disgusting and bothersome.  I tried several very expensive remedies that only seemed to make it worse.  Finally resorted to just plain old witch hazel.  I think it's proved more helpful than anything else I've tried.  Also again and always, grateful for repentance.  I surely have to do a lot of it.  You'd think I would learn.

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