Friday's Observations

Spur of the moment donuts done in the church parking lot (in the "cute" car) with the grandson made for an expected pleasure.  (I actually don't think I've ever done donuts in a car like that before.  Thinking I might have to try it again.)

Cocoa puffs eaten in a paper cup with a plastic spoon at 10 p.m. are carb-free, calorie-free and guilt free.  But not pleasure-free.

Kinda weird to walk into a day-care and see a kid, roughly 6 years old, playing the same solitaire game I was playing just before I left the house.  Either I'm a dummy or he's an advanced kid.  Either way, it's interesting.

Having a food crisis today:  I was very very good all week long.  So somehow, today I abandoned all sense of rational eating:  had two (count them) two pieces of toast for lunch, a square of See's chocolate - left from  my birthday, and still had to have something chocolate after dinner.  Mini-reese's peanut butter cups were scrumptious, but unsatisfying.  Needing that chocolate frosted chocolate doughnut.

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