
Just a few thoughts from the weekend....

Heard this man on the radio, talking about his daughter confessing an expensive mistake from 15 years earlier:  "There is no statute of limitations on forgiveness."  He sounds like someone I might like to know.

The Husband made this statement:  "There aren't enough hugs in the world."  YES!!

Angel Food cakes get their name not from those who eat them, but those who make them.

I love mail - especially from the grandchilluns.

The right car makes a road trip so fabulous.

A journey is possibly made longer by lots of stops, but the stops make the journey worth it. (First time to see Glen Canyon Dam - lovely sight!)

If you're going to take a road trip, be sure to have chocolate milk, popcorn, and if you're going to drink a (rare) diet Dr. Pepper, be sure to know where the next bathroom stop is.  (The Husband informed me that yes, caffeine IS a diuretic.)

There's nothing like a trip to see the grandchilluns - loved, loved, loved it!

There's no place like home.

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