
I've often grappled with this concept.  It's something we strive to be, understanding all the while that it is basically beyond our reach.  In my mind I often see others as pretty perfect, and myself as a miserable failure.  The reality is those others aren't really any more perfect than I am for the simple reason that it isn't a competition between them and me.  It isn't even a competition.

It is a constant striving to become.  To become...more.

I was reading in a needlework book this morning about the need to practice our craft to become what she termed "more-perfect" since she averred she also has difficulty with that concept of perfection.

How validated I felt that someone else struggles with the term.

Perhaps someday I can find some part of me to be perfect at even some small thing.  Until then I shall keep trying.  And keep trying.  And maybe even my efforts themselves will be of some value.

And we come full circle back to that thing I believe drives us all - Hope.

Maybe I can be perfect at that:  Hope.

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