Only 10:30 a.m.

And I've already had a myriad of things running through my mind:

As to the further adventures of my morning outings on the trail - I could do without the shower of sweat from the guy (and later a female) running on the trail.  I hug the edge, so there was plenty of room.  Why then, was it necessary to crowd me more and leave me thinking "UGHH!!" as I wiped his droplets from my face and arms?  (Perhaps I'm truly invisible?  Have to investigate this power more thoroughly.)

As I near the dreaded day celebrating my 6th decade of life on this planet I'm taking daily inventory of the unwanted, unwelcome, unexpected changes in my body.  I'm weighing the same as I've weighed for years.  But all of a sudden I have this little inner-tube shape around the center that bulges.  Where did that come from?  And can I send it back?  And those arm/wing flaps?  I've previously mentioned my distress at them. I guess I'm more aware of them because it's summer and the sleeves are a bit shorter, and I've been raising my arm in waves to more people.  Gotta stop that - waving that is - or raising my arm.

Wonder if I'm gonna be one of those people who repeat the same thing over and over without realizing (or perhaps caring) that I've repeated this refrain to others before.

Wonder if I'm gonna be one of those people who repeat the same thing over and over without realizing (or perhaps caring) that I've repeated this refrain to others before.

Stocked up on some birthday cards yesterday.  We seem to remember a lot of people's birthdays.  I often wonder if it matters?  I could save some cash for that future arm/wing flap surgery.

Wonder if I'm gonna be one of those people who repeat the same thing over and over without realizing (or perhaps caring) that I've repeated this refrain to others before.

Enjoyed dinner last night with a couple friends.  Particularly the gelato.  Anticipating (already) the meal out with The Husband later today - he has a coupon for a free (only for today) dessert - lava cake - my favorite.

And it's Tuesday - my 2nd favorite day of the week!

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